Ron here is the thing about the liberal asshole agenda... they use religion as a wedge to peel off people into believing their bullshit. A lot of people - myself included are atheists (I am actually a born again atheist) they paint religious people as evil hell bent on destroying all the great stuff in life; speeding, whoring around, drinking, rock music and the demon weed.
I bought into this bullshit. But then I started noticing that there are a whole lot of religious people that I really like personally. In fact the religious people that I know and like are among the nicest, most responsible, highest quality people that I know. Good jobs. Good families. Well educated great kids. Bedrock people. But then I had Bill Maher telling me that these people were stupid, evil, had an agenda to destroy my lifestyle etc.
Here is what I realized; religious people wasted time doing stupid stuff on Sunday mornings and believed in stuff I didn't. Other than that these people on the whole - pretty good people. And while the lefties were trying to paint them as the cause of the world's problems I realized that they weren't and aren't the problem after all.
Before someone calls me an evil conservative; I want drugs to be legalized, government funded abortions and the last time I set foor in a church it was a funeral.
Can we somehow get the First Baptist Church involved in this conversation?