Ock, i don't think those who are disappointed need lectures about what they think and what the laws are. My issue revolves around precedence, the message sent and potential of future conflicts generating similar confrontations like this. Because I've been in situations like this growing up, my personal perspective may be a little different. Nevertheless, I hope this case at least leads to a movement that results in the modification of certain laws and legal interpretations. No one should die from a confrontation generated from being followed in the dark by an armed stranger.
Sorry you got your feathers ruffled, simply expressing an opinion that those that want to try this over, and over, and over, and over again, need to move on. Jessie Jackson made a great point tonight when he spoke of change with dignity, speaking directly to the isolated incidents of violence and rioting. There are indeed messages in the precedence. Attacking someone could prove to be fatal - DON'T DO IT! The guy that kills you might walk away from court as a free man - Which isn't going to help you if your the dead guy.
You completely missed the point of the OJ reference, precedence? Should White women fear for their lives because a Black man many considered guilty was on the loose in LA? NO. Because 'considered guilty' is without standing, OJ was innocent. Likewise Black citizens have nothing to fear from 'White Hispanics' (if they could find one).
This trial was turned into a circus within a couple of days when the media advertised Zimmerman into a new race - 'A White-Hispanic Man.' At that point this whole sorry case devolved into a rebroadcast of every 'White on Black crime' stereotypical story, ever told.
Had both men been Black, Hispanic or White chances are we would have never heard a thing about it only 100 miles up the road. Turn it into a race crime, rather then a cluster F**k with a bad ending and you have people calling for Zimmerman's execution.
OPINION. Do I like the Stand Your Ground Law? I can see where it might be useful in a burglary, robbery, rape or attempted murder where the victim has a weapon. I can also see where it will have a lot of grey area that needs to be tended to.