Author Topic: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty  (Read 157458 times)

Cheshire Cat

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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #600 on: July 19, 2013, 05:22:43 PM »
Come on.  To attach any meaning at all to this article other than how stupid the defendant is and how much lawyers like to litigate everything is an intellectual mistake. 

This suspect is either wasting everyone's time or (like many people expressing opinions these days) he has absolutely no idea what the "stand your ground" defense is.

ANYBODY can claim ANYTHING.   This says NOTHING about the "stand your ground" defense.  Just like the fact that the Zimmerman case (remember that?) says NOTHING about SYG either.
I for one completely get that Not Now.  That is the reason I posted the piece.  ;)  The whole idea that some joker has a mindset that works this way is breathtakingly stupid yet people will always use anything and everything at their disposal to turn a law in the favor. 
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 05:42:52 PM by Cheshire Cat »


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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #601 on: July 19, 2013, 05:46:50 PM »
Not now, I feel it does apply. Because of the way the law is written, the fact that they can even attempt to use that defense is a waste of money, time and resources. I don't know how SC law is written, but obviously it shows the need for a change. Also, keep in mind that Zimmerman didn't use the SYG, not that it didn't/wouldn't apply. It also makes me question if there is enough precedent to avoid this happening in Florida. Or is it just a matter of time until this nonsense adds to Florida's wonderful legal record.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 05:49:39 PM by JayBird »


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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #602 on: July 19, 2013, 06:10:48 PM »
???   A defendant can make any motion, whether it be a SYG defense or any number of other defenses' against prosecution.   A judge has to entertain this crap irregardless of the likelihood of success.  This is just another example of useless time delaying motions by an attorney, and has nothing to do with SYG.  Do you want to get rid of the mental health defense because so many defense attorney's attempt to use it, even when it is obviously just a ploy? 

I have stated repeatedly that the Zimmerman defense did not use the SYG exception to prosecution, and that Zimmerman's acquittal is apparently due to the jury believing that he thought his life was in danger (I am told that was supported by medical testimony). 

Of course we can't prevent criminals and their lawyers from using ALL of the different defense's against prosecution.  (There are many different "defense to prosecution" clauses in all states.)  NO state can.  To use one of these frivolous motions as any kind of argument against SYG is just...dumb.

"We may yet become the first nation to die from a terminal case of frivolity. Other great nations in history have been threatened by barbarians at the gates. We may be the first to be threatened by self-indulgent silliness inside the gates." - Thomas Sowell

Cheshire Cat

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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #603 on: July 19, 2013, 06:28:44 PM »
NN, I wonder if South Carolina law is same as the one in Florida?  Any idea?


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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #604 on: July 19, 2013, 06:38:49 PM »
No.  Again, this discussion is silly. 
"We may yet become the first nation to die from a terminal case of frivolity. Other great nations in history have been threatened by barbarians at the gates. We may be the first to be threatened by self-indulgent silliness inside the gates." - Thomas Sowell

Cheshire Cat

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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #605 on: July 19, 2013, 07:36:15 PM »
Why is it silly to discuss a piece of information that shows there are people in society who try to exploit our laws to their own ends?  This is an outrageous example to be sure, but does not take away from the reality that there are some crazy ideas about how the law is applied. :) Even some in the legal community will use a variety of loopholes within laws to defend a client.  I agree this claim of self defense has no chance to succeed in the real world of courtroom law, but it is a fantastical exploitation of a law that a blockhead thought could be used to his own ends. 


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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #606 on: July 19, 2013, 07:40:49 PM »
It is silly to highlight this use of a "defense against prosecution" as anything but a frivolous motion by a defense attorney.  It says absolutely nothing about the law itself.  Now, if you want to discuss the waste of time and money by defending attorney's in our court systems, then we should be able to go many pages with just examples.  This is just one.
"We may yet become the first nation to die from a terminal case of frivolity. Other great nations in history have been threatened by barbarians at the gates. We may be the first to be threatened by self-indulgent silliness inside the gates." - Thomas Sowell

Cheshire Cat

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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #607 on: July 19, 2013, 07:46:52 PM »
It is silly to highlight this use of a "defense against prosecution" as anything but a frivolous motion by a defense attorney.  It says absolutely nothing about the law itself.  Now, if you want to discuss the waste of time and money by defending attorney's in our court systems, then we should be able to go many pages with just examples.  This is just one.
I understand Not Now.  It's frivolous, that's was the point.  lol 


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #608 on: July 19, 2013, 07:54:30 PM »
Dionne Warwick Joins Boycott of States w/ Stand Your Ground Laws


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"We may yet become the first nation to die from a terminal case of frivolity. Other great nations in history have been threatened by barbarians at the gates. We may be the first to be threatened by self-indulgent silliness inside the gates." - Thomas Sowell


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #610 on: July 19, 2013, 08:10:25 PM »
I guess Dionne is telling Stevie "that's what friends are for..."


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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #611 on: July 19, 2013, 08:15:42 PM »

For anyone whom thinks more white criminals get away with murdering blacks in Stand Your Ground states, that is wrong. They get away with more in every state. And of course that racial bias exists, one of these Zimmerman threads someone posted a great video today with absolute proof that a white person can commit a crime an get away with it easier than a minority. I don't think anyone debates that. The question is, how to change that.

The problem with these studies is that just like in finance, the books are so easy to cook and manipulate and fit whomever the person orchestrating the study needs it to say. Actually, it is exactly rigging say a parking study in Riverside-Avondale.


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #612 on: July 19, 2013, 08:17:25 PM »
^Indeed they might but we don't have to be first out of the gate with that discussion do we?  lol  I think we have enough to talk about just sticking to today's issues.

Its the same issue.  Progress for an individual isn't necessarily progress for everyone.  Its not like racism suspended itself in order to elect Obama.

The country was literally in the middle of a free fall collapse caused by 16 years of idiotic, corrupt Republican mismanagement.  The economy had literally crashed for the first time in 80 years, while we were in the middle of at least two wars.

Its not like white people were wandering through a meadow one day, thoughtfully turned to each other and softly whispered:  "Its time.". ;)

A great sign, yes.  But it will be more hopeful in the future, as we work our way through the bigotry that is at the core of so much public policy.

its ridiculous to think of how much politics is expended in making sure that so many different groups don't get a leg up.

this is the funniest thing I've ever read. 


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When will the killing stop??
« Reply #613 on: July 20, 2013, 03:21:25 AM »
I am scared as hell right now to live in this city, especially the side of town that I reside in, which seems to have had a murder almost every single day now for the past 2 weeks. What the hell is going on? I don't know if it's just me, but ever since the Mayor announced the budget cut, BOOM, the shit just hit the fan. My work place, which just so happens to be close to the CVS involved in just one of many robberies/shootings, has got us on a tight leash now. Good thing, sure. But, in all the years I've worked there, it's never been an issue. We are no longer allowed to keep the back door open when receiving a truck. When we walk out to our cars, management wants someone to walk with us and for us to park closer while on break if we're working late. I'm sure a lot of these issues have been discussed here lately, but I just had to come online and vent. Am I the only one who feels this way? I don't own a gun, and with the Stand Your Ground BS going on right now, I don't know how I'd react if someone were to run up on me with a gun, demanding money or something, if I had a gun. I carry a mighty large pocket knife, but would that save me? And, if I used it in self defense, then what? I read somewhere there have been 56 homicides so far this year, and even 1 frightens the hell out of me. I just wonder what's more important right now, the budget? Which, I've already read many opinions on the job that JSO is doing, and I'm still on the fence.. but is there anything they COULD do to put fear into the civilians who are out for blood?

Garden guy

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Re: When will the killing stop??
« Reply #614 on: July 20, 2013, 06:16:42 AM »
D, Welcome to a redneck city in the southeast with lots of poor and uneducated people who are desperate...and so many of our cities decide to follow the republicans and defund public schools and programs...i see this all as a sample of what happens when kids dont learn and learn early...record amount of babies showing up at school not knowing a thing...