This has never been a "stand your ground" case. Martin was the only participant that could have conceivably claimed "stand your ground". Zimmerman's case rested on self defense. He had to prove that he was in a place that he was legally able to be, and feared for his life or serious injury.
Without dragging though pages of BS arguments, I'll just state my thoughts. The gun didn't cause this. The right to self defense (a concept of citizenry that goes back literally hundreds of years) is not at fault. The feds will never (I hope) be allowed to disregard the United States Constitution. While Muffin's stat's are true and he makes a point in the larger sense, I don't think it allows for the actions followed by Mr. Zimmerman. I agree that this case is a tragic story that has been used by several different camps to set their own agenda. I will continue to pay no attention to unattributed character assassination of either Mr. Zimmerman or Mr. Martin. Such behavior is worse than the assigned "racism" charges from all sides.
Like Lake, I have not followed the day to day testimony, so I am not as familiar with the specifics as some of you may be. It seems that the likely crime was always "manslaughter" based on what evidence was available. Mr. Zimmerman's pursuit of Mr. Martin was negligent in its initiation and its length. I am not aware of how this was presented in trial. The jury has answered and we now all have to live with the verdict. I can name literally hundreds of verdicts that I did not agree with in addition to this one. The Martin family will have their civil trial.
I see that the personal insults continue to fly in this forum. No civil discussion can be had when posters ideas are not discussed, but instead personal insults and demeaning attacks are thrown at them. We should be able to analyze this case in an intelligent manner and exchange our opinions without malice. But, as usual, that appears to be impossible here. I am sorry for the Martin family. I am sorry that Mr. Zimmerman will live the rest of his life with this stigma. I wish that I could say something positive had come out of this, but I don't see it as of yet.