Author Topic: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty  (Read 157423 times)


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2013, 12:36:42 AM »
Disgusting end to a heartbreaking case.

- Moron profiles black youths for weeks.
- Moron calls to report Trayvon Martin walking through the neighborhood.
- Moron is told to stay in his car and to not pursue Martin.
- Moron decides to disregard instructions and take the law into his own hands.
- Confrontation ensues.
- Moron shoots Martin dead.

Because of George Zimmerman, a 17-year-old kid is dead. If GZ had listened to what he was told or waited for the police to arrive, none of this would have ever happened.

I don't care who started the physical confrontation, but you can be damn sure that if someone twice my size was following me in the dark, I'd be ready to defend myself, even if it meant throwing the first punch.

Even under the most liberal interpretation of the law, I don't see how in the universe this guy walked away with anything less than manslaughter.

All that said, I don't envy that jury one bit. It all comes down to the trial, and from what others who have had the time to watch the whole thing have told me, the defense ate the prosecution for breakfast. Sucks to see a scumbag with blood on his hands go free, but I guess that's the sacrifice we make for "beyond reasonable doubt."

Fortunately, I don't see this ending as badly as most. There may be some scattered violence in the next day or two, but the news cycle moves so much faster than it did even 20 years ago post-Rodney King trial that it will sadly just end up a blip on the radar.


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2013, 12:47:42 AM »
Disgusting end to a heartbreaking case.

- Moron profiles black youths for weeks.
- Moron calls to report Trayvon Martin walking through the neighborhood.
- Moron is told to stay in his car and to not pursue Martin.
- Moron decides to disregard instructions and take the law into his own hands.
- Confrontation ensues.
- Moron shoots Martin dead.

Because of George Zimmerman, a 17-year-old kid is dead. If GZ had listened to what he was told or waited for the police to arrive, none of this would have ever happened.

I don't care who started the physical confrontation, but you can be damn sure that if someone twice my size was following me in the dark, I'd be ready to defend myself, even if it meant throwing the first punch.

Even under the most liberal interpretation of the law, I don't see how in the universe this guy walked away with anything less than manslaughter.

All that said, I don't envy that jury one bit. It all comes down to the trial, and from what others who have had the time to watch the whole thing have told me, the defense ate the prosecution for breakfast. Sucks to see a scumbag with blood on his hands go free, but I guess that's the sacrifice we make for "beyond reasonable doubt."

Fortunately, I don't see this ending as badly as most. There may be some scattered violence in the next day or two, but the news cycle moves so much faster than it did even 20 years ago post-Rodney King trial that it will sadly just end up a blip on the radar.

I completely agree with 100%. I was not going to talk about this at all, but I feel comfortable with metrojax. I was just telling someone as an adult, if I was been followed by a car while walking my neighborhood, and this person jumped out the car at me, I would have defended myself and kicked his ass, and I'm an adult. He should not have gotten out of the car period. And I also agree I dont think there will be a huge rash of violence, but Im more concerned of the long term effects. Speaking as a professional African American male, I know how it is to be profiled just because of my color. I know what its like to stopped by police for no reason and be labeled as thug. I know how it is to get followed in the Gucci store just because I'm black and my friend has dreads. I have a 15 year old nephew that walks to the store on a regular basis. To imagine that we allow things of this nature makes me worry like hell about him. I wont even lie, I feel oppressed right now. Makes me feel like we are back in 50's all over again.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 12:51:17 AM by duvaldude08 »


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2013, 12:48:10 AM »
wonder what the outcome would have been if Trayvon had shot Zimmerman dead and then tried to defend himself with "stand your ground'?



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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2013, 01:45:57 AM »
Verdict has already been bumped from the Breaking News section of many sites to report that the kid from Glee was found dead in his hotel room. Such is the world we live in...


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2013, 03:44:23 AM »
Not surprised, didn't bother following.


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2013, 07:40:29 AM »

Thanks for that info. I'm just really glad that this mess is over, but unfortunately the real tragedies are gonna be the upcoming sparks of violence throughout the US, all for nothing IMO. First I fell for the medias biased lies concerning this case with the twelve year old pics of TM etc; Then I did my homework a long time ago without seeing any 'colors'. Bottomline, the Georgia Satellites sung this song called "Keep Your Hands to Yourself" and if Trayvon would have followed that advice, he would still be alive today. I'm not a conspiracy theorist type, but I really believe that people in higher places in the media have interest (financially) to break this country apart; Sadly people are falling for it hook, line, and sinker.  Wanna know when I'll be outraged? Wake me up if Micheal Dunn is acquitted (don't think that he'll be).


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2013, 08:01:38 AM »
Ock, i don't think those who are disappointed need lectures about what they think and what the laws are. My issue revolves around precedence, the message sent and potential of future conflicts generating similar confrontations like this. Because I've been in situations like this growing up, my personal perspective may be a little different. Nevertheless, I hope this case at least leads to a movement that results in the modification of certain laws and legal interpretations. No one should die from a confrontation generated from being followed in the dark by an armed stranger.



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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2013, 08:07:18 AM »
I-10, I'd say the focus on media is a red herring. For me, everything really boils down to this... if no one is followed, there's no confrontation, Martin is alive and GZ could have still had his dream of becoming a police officer alive. Now a kid is dead and his killer (the guy who started the entire thing) gets to go on with his life.

The act of a random armed man following someone in the dark would seem like an initial act of aggression. The fact that our laws don't see that this way could be considered as a reason that it may be time to challenge and work to modify some of our laws.

I don't think this is over by a long shot.  However, I also think it's silly to think people are going to result in violence across the country because of the verdict.  It's the 21st century.  There's a much easier way to push and get change that saves lives in the future.


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2013, 08:19:23 AM »
Regardless of what I personally think about the trial, I followed it closely and the fact is the State did not present a solid case. Unfortunately most of what the media presents is assumptions and opinion and not fact, they convicted him before he was even charged. If you'll remember the original States Attorney said there wasn't enough evidence to charge him, then responding to public outcry we got a dog as pony show that turned up the exact same result. Tax dollars at work I guess.

I find it interesting all the posts about this of those whom are upset or feel the "system" let them down, yet not one thread mentioned a young girl being abducted and murdered on the northside weeks ago.  They aren't connected, it just seems to prove that we react to media and personality before fact.

I think what this should do is initiate the wave to call for a reform of Florida's gun laws. The right to carry is not the right to kill and Stand Your Ground, though logical on paper, will only cause more such incidents. At the end of the day it comes down to the letter of the law, a loophole has been found so now it needs to be closed.

Blaming it all on "he shouldn't have followed" is just blowing smoke. In the heat of the moment anyone might act same way. If you want to change laws to include that, include charging bartenders with every DUI and every doctor that prescribes pills to someone who then sells them. No law was broken by him following. Did he escalate the situation? Yes. Don't we all learn in kindergarten to turn the other cheek? Yes. Does the law require me to stop following someone whom I just had words with? No.  If you believe otherwise, then I hope you're ready with a plan to house all those arrested because they called the cops to report a suspicious person in the neighborhood and kept tabs on them til police arrived or those who follow drunk drivers until police arrive.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 08:22:06 AM by JayBird »


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2013, 08:27:12 AM »
wonder what the outcome would have been if Trayvon had shot Zimmerman dead and then tried to defend himself with "stand your ground'?



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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2013, 08:29:01 AM »
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2013, 08:41:20 AM »
Regardless of what I personally think about the trial, I followed it closely and the fact is the State did not present a solid case.

True.  I think it's important that a verdict of not guilty is not the same as being innocent. The defense presented a better case than the State did on what was being charged.

I find it interesting all the posts about this of those whom are upset or feel the "system" let them down, yet not one thread mentioned a young girl being abducted and murdered on the northside weeks ago.  They aren't connected, it just seems to prove that we react to media and personality before fact.

I think everyone is on the same page that the freak who killed that little girl needs to fry.  Many will also fault her mother and perhaps that's why she no longer has custody of the other kids. Not sure that has anything to do with this issue.

I think what this should do is initiate the wave to call for a reform of Florida's gun laws. The right to carry is not the right to kill and Stand Your Ground, though logical on paper, will only cause more such incidents. At the end of the day it comes down to the letter of the law, a loophole has been found so now it needs to be closed.

Yes, this is where I've been going.  I don't fault the jury.  I find fault in a law that has already and will easily lead to more unnecessary deaths of innocent people who are simply minding their own business.

Blaming it all on "he shouldn't have followed" is just blowing smoke. In the heat of the moment anyone might act same way.

Cause and effect.  There's no confrontation if there's no following.  Most likely, there's no following if he's not packing.

If you want to change laws to include that, include charging bartenders with every DUI and every doctor that prescribes pills to someone who then sells them.

I don't think GZ intended to go out and murder this kid.  I also don't think someone getting toasted up at the bar intends to go out and kill someone behind the wheel. Nevertheless, such an unintentional act will typically get you hit with something like manslaughter.  If you want things to change, you work to take out the loopholes in the law.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 08:45:35 AM by thelakelander »


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2013, 08:58:15 AM »
Regardless of what I personally think about the trial, I followed it closely and the fact is the State did not present a solid case.

True.  I think it's important that a verdict of not guilty is not the same as being innocent. The defense presented a better case than the State did on what was being charged.

I fully agree.

I find it interesting all the posts about this of those whom are upset or feel the "system" let them down, yet not one thread mentioned a young girl being abducted and murdered on the northside weeks ago.  They aren't connected, it just seems to prove that we react to media and personality before fact.

I think everyone is on the same page that the freak who killed that little girl needs to fry.  Many will also fault her mother and perhaps that's why she no longer has custody of the other kids. Not sure that has anything to do with this issue.

I am among the camp whom assigns blame to the mother, and feel there is more to the story the police have yet to release until trial, as it should be.  I was just pointing out how most of our reactions are based upon what the media presents in a two minute blurb, not what was presented over a lengthy trial. Which is why I made it a point to say "they aren't connected"

I think what this should do is initiate the wave to call for a reform of Florida's gun laws. The right to carry is not the right to kill and Stand Your Ground, though logical on paper, will only cause more such incidents. At the end of the day it comes down to the letter of the law, a loophole has been found so now it needs to be closed.

Yes, this is where I've been going.  I don't fault the jury.  I find fault in a law that has already and will easily lead to more unnecessary deaths of innocent people who are simply minding their own business.

Though I am a proponent of Right to Carry, I do not believe in Stand Your Ground. A study done by a Tampa newspaper proves its faults outweighs its benefits IMO.

Blaming it all on "he shouldn't have followed" is just blowing smoke. In the heat of the moment anyone might act same way.

Cause and effect.  There's no confrontation if there's no following.  Most likely, there's no following if he's not packing.

I don't fully believe he followed because he was armed, based upon character witnesses and his past I imagine he would follow anyway. He had a Super Hero complex and was not going to let some kid make him feel inferior. I honesty believe he intended to initiate an altercation, and then be the hero holding him down for the cops and the situation got out of his control.

If you want to change laws to include that, include charging bartenders with every DUI and every doctor that prescribes pills to someone who then sells them.

I don't think GZ intended to go out and murder this kid.  I also don't think someone getting toasted up at the bar intends to go out and kill someone behind the wheel. Nevertheless, such an unintentional act typically get hit with something like manslaughter.  If you want things to change, you work to take out the loopholes in the law.

Very true, but this goes back to the beginning where the burden rested on the State and they just didn't come through.  I mean the jury even came back out asked the judge to explain the parameters of a manslaughter conviction so I feel it came down to the wording of the law and the presentation of evidence.


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #28 on: July 14, 2013, 09:03:14 AM »
Coming from a young black male perspective, kind of crazy and disappointing. I fear for my sons and nephews as they get older and are profiled. System may have worked as structured but I don't believe justice was served. Like Rosa Parks, perhaps this case leads to change. Time will tell.


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2013, 09:06:42 AM »
Before reading any of the other posts I have more to add from my comments earlier. Although I think GZ is responsible for TM's death you cannot convict someone for disobeying a 911 operator. There is not a law for that. It's apparent that GZ did not follow TM with the intention of shooting him. But had he remained in his car TM would likely be alive today. The evidence obviously proved killing TM was not his intent. And one of the important things to remember is GZ is Hispanic, not white, but unfortunately racism knows no boundaries. So I guess it's possible that GZ profiled TM. But I'm not saying this was racially motivated either. If TM had been white and dressed the same way, as many young white guys do, I think GZ would have done the same thing.