Author Topic: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty  (Read 157904 times)

Cheshire Cat

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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #240 on: July 15, 2013, 06:09:09 PM »
This was a point more than one speaker brought up at the Trayvon rally in Hemming Park Sunday.  One middle-aged black male said that (paraphrasing), 'a guarantee that before tomorrow, a black man the same age as Zimmerman will kill another black man, Trayvon's age ... and it won't make the news'  He urged black folk to stop killing each other.
I have heard this over and over Charles.  I know many in the Black community have deep concerns with regard to this issue.  I don't think it is appropriate to pretend it doesn't exist in the face of one high profile crime.  All life is important and while profiling and race based crimes are indeed a very grave problem, I think it may be unfortunate that Zimmerman has become the face for every non black that has been hurt or killed by a non black and Trayvon became the face for all young men on the wrong end of a deadly exchange with a non black.  History clearly shows very egregious crimes against the Black race have been visited upon them through no fault of their own.  That is totally undeniable.  What I think we cannot afford as a society if we are serious about addressing racially based conflicts is to edit today's reality by the past alone.  We need to be honest with ourselves and think rationally, not just through our emotions.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 06:12:25 PM by Cheshire Cat »

Cheshire Cat

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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #241 on: July 15, 2013, 06:23:51 PM »
CL, JSO has issued a statement saying this shooting had nothing to do with the Zimmerman trial.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 06:29:47 PM by Cheshire Cat »

Cheshire Cat

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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #242 on: July 15, 2013, 06:27:01 PM »
I don't know how to embed videos.  Perhaps someone else can do this for me.  The following is a link to Angela Corey's statements immediately following the Zimmerman "not guilty" verdict for those who have not seen it.


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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #243 on: July 15, 2013, 06:29:52 PM »
This. A thousand times. I was gonna post this on the other thread, but its a lost cause & turned into a zoo quite frankly.

I think we're all guilty of letting the media circus take hold of us, try to divide & distract us with race baiting. That same media who loves LOVES a juicy story & spins it every way from Sunday. To the point where we're now all arguing about it, losing friends because of it, painting these broad assumptions of people because of their opinion, etc. Its disgusting really, but its the world we live in. The 6 giant corporations that now owns over 90% of all the media that we have access to tells us to jump & before thinking, we jump. And its getting worse, but still people don't seem to recognize it because the topics they choose to pound into our heads are so tempting to get bent out of shape over.

Stop & think for a moment, please. And look at things from a broader perspective. I read something like 25 black youths/young adults have been killed in Chicago so far in the month of July ALONE. Not to mention a bunch of injuries to women, children, etc. Now, where the hell is the outrage there? Where are the protests?? Where is the media??? Hmm, I'm looking around & all anyone is talking about is this one isolated instance. I guess they don't matter since its not a juicy enough story then. And people apparently certainly wont seek this information out, or even want to know about it, because, again, we like to be told what to be outraged about & can only take it in the prescribed concentrated bursts. That way we can all get up on our soap boxes & push whatever agendas or hangups we ourselves might have, forget about it when the next cycle hits, while never acknowledging the real ugliness.

It's fucking sick & that's all I'm saying about it.

Cheshire Cat

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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #244 on: July 15, 2013, 06:40:43 PM »
This. A thousand times. I was gonna post this on the other thread, but its a lost cause & turned into a zoo quite frankly.

I think we're all guilty of letting the media circus take hold of us, try to divide & distract us with race baiting. That same media who loves LOVES a juicy story & spins it every way from Sunday. To the point where we're now all arguing about it, losing friends because of it, painting these broad assumptions of people because of their opinion, etc. Its disgusting really, but its the world we live in. The 6 giant corporations that now owns over 90% of all the media that we have access to tells us to jump & before thinking, we jump. And its getting worse, but still people don't seem to recognize it because the topics they choose to pound into our heads are so tempting to get bent out of shape over.

Stop & think for a moment, please. And look at things from a broader perspective. I read something like 25 black youths/young adults have been killed in Chicago so far in the month of July ALONE. Not to mention a bunch of injuries to women, children, etc. Now, where the hell is the outrage there? Where are the protests?? Where is the media??? Hmm, I'm looking around & all anyone is talking about is this one isolated instance. I guess they don't matter since its not a juicy enough story then. And people apparently certainly wont seek this information out, or even want to know about it, because, again, we like to be told what to be outraged about & can only take it in the prescribed concentrated bursts. That way we can all get up on our soap boxes & push whatever agendas or hangups we ourselves might have, forget about it when the next cycle hits, while never acknowledging the real ugliness.

It's fucking sick & that's all I'm saying about it.
It is indeed sick and this is a point that needs to be made.  Believe me I thought twice before wading into any of the Trayvon discussions but it is my deep feeling that we need to walk into some of these discussions in order to bring some sort of understanding as to why race and discussion of race remains such a volatile subject and much of that I believe is the fanning of passions as opposed to clarity of thinking and honest discussion.  As long as people simply take the lead of the angry or political in cases like this the core importance of an issue is lost in blame, angry words and passion.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 06:46:35 PM by Cheshire Cat »


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #245 on: July 15, 2013, 06:44:55 PM »
CL, JSO has issued a statement saying this shooting had nothing to do with the Zimmerman trial.

Oh what a surprise, of course they are gonna say that. Meanwhile, all of the USA still remain 'peaceful' regarding the verdict. I know better.


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #246 on: July 15, 2013, 06:57:01 PM »
sorry, i didnt see this in the mix, Jameson.

My post was clearly in response to Diane's comments about the failures of the prosecution, and I was commenting on that narrow subject. 

People are allowed to talk about whatever they like, thats part of life and a controversial case being argued in public.  This will not be either the first or last time that a victim is smeared through 'opposition research'.

But my comments were restricted to the execution of the prosecution.

You were mistaken, and I accept your apology. ;)

But you never clarified. Were you or were you not referring to "negatives" about Trayvon's past having nothing to do with the case?

I have clarified my statement.  If you agree with that, then I will answer your second question about my opinion as to the relevance of trayvons facebook page on his murder.

Where did you clarify?

A simple yes or no will suffice: Were you or were you not referring to "negatives" about Trayvon's past having nothing to do with the case?

You made the comment: Angela Corey was undermined by her own staff, leaking negatives about a teenager that had nothing to do with his murder[/u] and had a pretty huge task in front of her.

The underlined part is your opinion - leaking negatives about a teenager has nothing to do with his murder.

So negatives about Trayvon and his past have nothing to do with the case?

Yet on the other hand, you see Zimmerman's past as completely relevant and having something to do with the case.

Got it.  ;)

Jameson do you need coffee?  Ive already asked you if you think this is appropriate to a murder prosecution, and whether or not it should be coming from the officials in charge of prosecuting the murderer.  Is there something unclear to you about the inappropriateness of this?

If you can verify that you were wrong and launched a 'shame on you' tirade based on being wrong, then I will gladly address your question.

The prosecution is required by law to share this and any other evidence with the defense.  All recovered information from electronic devices must be shared.  If there is a question as to whether it should be entered in the trial, then a motion should be made for the  bench to decide.
"We may yet become the first nation to die from a terminal case of frivolity. Other great nations in history have been threatened by barbarians at the gates. We may be the first to be threatened by self-indulgent silliness inside the gates." - Thomas Sowell


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #247 on: July 15, 2013, 07:03:06 PM »
ALL evidence.  Anything found on the phone has to be shared.  "Pertinent to the case" will be decided by the judge.  Ask your friend Chris.
"We may yet become the first nation to die from a terminal case of frivolity. Other great nations in history have been threatened by barbarians at the gates. We may be the first to be threatened by self-indulgent silliness inside the gates." - Thomas Sowell


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #248 on: July 15, 2013, 07:14:15 PM »
You might want to study up on Florida State Statutes Chapter 776.

Specifically 776.012, 776.013, and for any of you who want to read the Florida statute which pertains to the "Aggressor Rule"...776.041.

There is a lot of emotion, speculation, and just plain wrong information being put out here.  I would recommend doing your own research from other than biased sites on either "side" of this issue.  I will look for a factual article on this case but honestly...I haven't seen one yet.

Oh, and you might take a gander at Brady v. Maryland (1963).
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 07:18:44 PM by NotNow »
"We may yet become the first nation to die from a terminal case of frivolity. Other great nations in history have been threatened by barbarians at the gates. We may be the first to be threatened by self-indulgent silliness inside the gates." - Thomas Sowell


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #249 on: July 15, 2013, 07:15:02 PM »
I believe the point is moot based on the fact that a grand jury has already indicted her on the issue of withholding evidence.  Or at least they believed there was enough of a notion to warrant further investigation


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #250 on: July 15, 2013, 07:20:11 PM »
JayBird, that was a "citizens grand jury".  It has no legal standing.
"We may yet become the first nation to die from a terminal case of frivolity. Other great nations in history have been threatened by barbarians at the gates. We may be the first to be threatened by self-indulgent silliness inside the gates." - Thomas Sowell


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #251 on: July 15, 2013, 07:25:37 PM »
CL, JSO has issued a statement saying this shooting had nothing to do with the Zimmerman trial.

Oh what a surprise, of course they are gonna say that. Meanwhile, all of the USA still remain 'peaceful' regarding the verdict. I know better.

No I-10 it is true, it is a rumor that has been confirmed false by several sources, also being that they have video of the incident which have to come to light in any trial, they can't really deny a connection if it existed.  And as for 'peaceful' that is based purely on arrests.  Huge protests and demonstrations with over 8,000 in NYC yesterday and last night and no arrests.  Demonstrations in Hemming Plaza, no arrests.  That is how they can say peaceful.  It is just civilians exercising their first amendment. However, some people like to stir the pot and get other riled up, so there will probably more rumors to come. Personally I think Zimmerman might know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried.


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #252 on: July 15, 2013, 07:28:18 PM »
JayBird, that was a "citizens grand jury".  It has no legal standing.

Overlooked that, thanks for keeping me on the facts.


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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #253 on: July 15, 2013, 07:50:16 PM »
This. A thousand times. I was gonna post this on the other thread, but its a lost cause & turned into a zoo quite frankly.

I think we're all guilty of letting the media circus take hold of us, try to divide & distract us with race baiting. That same media who loves LOVES a juicy story & spins it every way from Sunday. To the point where we're now all arguing about it, losing friends because of it, painting these broad assumptions of people because of their opinion, etc. Its disgusting really, but its the world we live in. The 6 giant corporations that now owns over 90% of all the media that we have access to tells us to jump & before thinking, we jump. And its getting worse, but still people don't seem to recognize it because the topics they choose to pound into our heads are so tempting to get bent out of shape over.

Stop & think for a moment, please. And look at things from a broader perspective. I read something like 25 black youths/young adults have been killed in Chicago so far in the month of July ALONE. Not to mention a bunch of injuries to women, children, etc. Now, where the hell is the outrage there? Where are the protests?? Where is the media??? Hmm, I'm looking around & all anyone is talking about is this one isolated instance. I guess they don't matter since its not a juicy enough story then. And people apparently certainly wont seek this information out, or even want to know about it, because, again, we like to be told what to be outraged about & can only take it in the prescribed concentrated bursts. That way we can all get up on our soap boxes & push whatever agendas or hangups we ourselves might have, forget about it when the next cycle hits, while never acknowledging the real ugliness.

It's fucking sick & that's all I'm saying about it.

Good, solid points and I am in agreement with you.  The only answer I can determine is that it isn't just July, it has been happening that way in Chicago and I guess if it was happening in Jax the same way for the same time period we would just take it as fact too.  Everytime First Coast news posts on their Facebook that JSO is responding to the Northside or Westside, details to follow, you get the rigmarole of comments of people saying must be another shooting. So in a way, maybe we do have the same mentality or have become numb to it. Or maybe we ignore it because it wasn't on my street.  As for black on black crime, it happens but one observation I do have is that in a predominately African American community, they are much more close-knitted than say a 90% white neighborhood.  I think some of the issue is that they don't like it to happen, but the fear of having outsiders to come in and try to 'fix' the situation is even worse to them.


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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #254 on: July 15, 2013, 07:53:40 PM »
  Believe me I thought twice before wading into any of the Trayvon discussions but it is my deep feeling that we need to walk into some of these discussions in order to bring some sort of understanding as to why race and discussion of race remains such a volatile subject and much of that I believe is the fanning of passions as opposed to clarity of thinking and honest discussion.  As long as people simply take the lead of the angry or political in cases like this the core importance of an issue is lost in blame, angry words and passion.

And for that Diane, thank you.  Even though not everyone comments, a lot of us follow the board and both respect and admire your ability to act as voice of calm and reason when emotions get a little too involved.