Author Topic: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty  (Read 157756 times)


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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #270 on: July 15, 2013, 11:05:15 PM »
I found an interesting article at,1. I'll just quote a few bits from it.

The term "black on black" crime is a destructive, racialized colloquialism that perpetuates an idea that blacks are somehow more prone to violence. This is untrue and fully verifiable by FBI, DOJ and census (pdf) data. Yet the fallacy is so fixed that even African Americans have come to believe it.

In Michelle Alexander's book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, she explains that the term was coined in the 1980s as American cities underwent transformation as a result of riots, white flight and the onslaught of the drug trade. David Wilson, a professor at the University of Illinois, documents the phenomena in Inventing Black-on-Black Violence. Wilson says that instead of attributing increased crime activity to poverty, inequality and disenfranchisement, the media chose to blame "a supposedly defective, aberrant black culture."

In a 2010 piece published by The Root, "The Myth of Black-on-Black Violence," Natalie Hopkinson opines that journalists should follow the direction of the United Kingdom, where the Guardian newspaper banned the use of the phrase. A Guardian stylebook asked authors to ''imagine the police saying they were investigating an incident of white-on-white violence ... " Hopkinson concludes, "The term 'black-on-black violence' is a slander against the majority of law-abiding black Americans, rich and poor, who get painted by this broad and crude brush."

African-American media and policymakers have been equally complicit in promoting a "black-on-black crime" anecdote, thinking that it could help address some of the community's problems; but what it has actually done is provide support for racial profiling and promote the disproportionate policing of black criminality as "legitimate" and "acceptable." This over-policing has led to disproportionately higher rates of arrests in black communities, reinforcing the idea that blacks commit more crimes.

If we were to talk about "white-on-white crime," then at least we'd be addressing issues like gun violence in a racially neutral way. That doesn't happen because too many Americans remain convinced that black or brown people are the problem.

Washington Post columnist George Will said that despite the Trayvon tragedy, "150 black men are killed every week in this country," and "about 94 percent of them by other black men."

... the exacting truth that white Americans are just as likely to be killed by other whites. According to Justice Department statistics (pdf), 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites.


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #271 on: July 15, 2013, 11:14:09 PM »
Can we somehow get the First Baptist Church involved in this conversation?   ;D

Cheshire Cat

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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #272 on: July 15, 2013, 11:16:16 PM »
Can we somehow get the First Baptist Church involved in this conversation?   ;D
No Ron, we can't!  lol


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #273 on: July 15, 2013, 11:31:42 PM »
Ron here is the thing about the liberal asshole agenda... they use religion as a wedge to peel off people into believing their bullshit. A lot of people - myself included are atheists (I am actually a born again atheist) they paint religious people as evil hell bent on destroying all the great stuff in life; speeding, whoring around, drinking, rock music and the demon weed. 

I bought into this bullshit. But then I started noticing that there are a whole lot of religious people that I really like personally. In fact the religious people that I know and like are among the nicest, most responsible, highest quality people that I know.  Good jobs.  Good families. Well educated great kids. Bedrock people.  But then I had Bill Maher telling me that these people were stupid, evil, had an agenda to destroy my lifestyle etc.

Here is what I realized; religious people wasted time doing stupid stuff on Sunday mornings and believed in stuff I didn't. Other than that these people on the whole - pretty good people.  And while the lefties were trying to paint them as the cause of the world's problems I realized that they weren't and aren't the problem after all.

Before someone calls me an evil conservative; I want drugs to be legalized, government funded abortions and the last time I set foor in a church it was a funeral.

Can we somehow get the First Baptist Church involved in this conversation?   ;D

Cheshire Cat

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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #274 on: July 15, 2013, 11:32:45 PM »
^Interesting pieces to be sure.  What I am trying to come to balance with is what is happening beyond the rhetoric.  In Jacksonville at least some of the crimes being committed that place Blacks as the victims also have Blacks as the perp.  The stats I have seen in the past when working with those working on the issue of crime and prevention have pointed to a great deal of crime between Blacks that statistically is higher than other races when population is factored in.  Like the 09 area code.  I do believe that there is a great influence when it comes to poverty and environment as Ennis mentioned and look forward to more input about that.  But there is something else going on as well.  During ride alongs with the JSO I have have witnessed many incidents where citizens call each other the "n" word with venom and they are all of the Black race.  I have also seen flareups over the shade of Black one happens to be and value associated with one another based on degree of color.  That is something that tells me at least that this may go beyond economics and toward something unspoken and painful in the Black psyche.  Please know and accept me at my word that I am not laying down judgments but rather sharing ideas and experiences that have mostly come through my deep associations with members of the Black community.  I simply want to understand so that there can be healing and clarity of thought where needed in our community and society in general.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 11:36:10 PM by Cheshire Cat »


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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #275 on: July 15, 2013, 11:48:38 PM »
Sorry man I must have missed it.  You're right I was.  I just like arguing with him.  I don't know why.  I do have to credit the dude.  If I was running a message board and some smart ass was giving me a beat down on it I'd probably ban him or delete his posts.  On the other hand I'm driving up engagement and advertising impressions... so...

What did you say?  Irreverence aside.  I'd love to know your opinion.

Here is the problem with this thread.  I didn't see a single solution, opinion or guess what is causing this problem and what can be done to stop it.

Blah blah blah.  So much talking about nothing.  Everyone knows black people kill a lot of other black people.  Everyone (who is living in the real world) knows that young black males commit a lot more crime per capita than any other race.  Great. So you've spent two pages talking about stuff everyone already knows.  Known facts.

-- Why does this demographic commit so much violent crime?

-- What can the rest of society do to slow it down?

AngryMuffin, I've already answered both of those questions.  You ignored both in that long Zimmerman thread to go back and forth trading pot shots with Stephendare instead.


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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #276 on: July 15, 2013, 11:52:42 PM »
I had some causes and solutions in there.  I'll have to go into that thread and dig it out of there.

Cheshire Cat

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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #277 on: July 15, 2013, 11:54:30 PM »
Well, perhaps it is too soon to talk solutions when discussing an issue that is this important.  We have a ways to go in understanding and coming to conclusions if there are any to be had.  I know this is the age where everyone want's what they want now.  But real life takes real time when deciding on things of importance.


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Re: Trayvon Martin Case plus related discussion of Law and Racism
« Reply #278 on: July 16, 2013, 12:01:39 AM »
I'll go look for it.  I went to bed before you posted.  Or Steve's orange shirt distracted me.

I had some causes and solutions in there.  I'll have to go into that thread and dig it out of there.


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #279 on: July 16, 2013, 01:11:26 AM »
Huge protests and demonstrations with over 8,000 in NYC yesterday and last night and no arrests.  Demonstrations in Hemming Plaza, no arrests.  That is how they can say peaceful.  It is just civilians exercising their first amendment.

Some of these 'civilians' apparently think that it's okay to exercise their 'right' to assault a particular group of people. The Baltimore Sun already reported that a Hispanic man was attacked by blacks shouting "For Trayvon". Also their was some violence in Mississippi with someone (I believe a white man) being thrown out of a car. Expect a lot more violence. The race baiters won't be happy until George's head is on a stake....


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #280 on: July 16, 2013, 07:04:16 AM »
Or in reality AM you are completely wrong.  My liberal ass is in church most Sundays. You have certainly read Stephen's support of religion on this site. There are lots of different people making up the groups known as liberal and conservative. Do you think the Hispanics who have been voting for the more liberal party are anti religion? 

Anyway enjoy this glimpse into the real world.


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #281 on: July 16, 2013, 07:10:25 AM »
Someone may have already posted this, but here:


<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 07:15:15 AM by sheclown »


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #282 on: July 16, 2013, 07:18:43 AM »
Huge protests and demonstrations with over 8,000 in NYC yesterday and last night and no arrests. Demonstrations in Hemming Plaza, no arrests.  That is how they can say peaceful.  It is just civilians exercising their first amendment.

Some of these 'civilians' apparently think that it's okay to exercise their 'right' to assault a particular group of people. The Baltimore Sun already reported that a Hispanic man was attacked by blacks shouting "For Trayvon". Also their was some violence in Mississippi with someone (I believe a white man) being thrown out of a car. Expect a lot more violence. The race baiters won't be happy until George's head is on a stake....

There has not been an arrest in Baltimore yet, so keeping it in context with what I had written they can technically still assert peaceful protest.  And according to Baltimore Sun, it wasn't part of any demonstration.

Tensions have run high, and Baltimore police said Monday they are investigating an alleged beating of a Hispanic man that, according to a witness, came at the hands of a group of black youths who were saying "This is for Trayvon" while they attacked him. Police, who have urged residents to respond peacefully, reported no incidents at the protests.

I couldn't find the Mississippi case, which is why it is helpful when you post a link to where you get your info, but I am sure it has been embellished.


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #283 on: July 16, 2013, 07:22:42 AM »
Stevie Wonder pledged not to play in Florida until the "Stand Your Ground" law is repealed.

<a href=";amp;hl=en_US&amp;amp;rel=0&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;allowFullScreen&quot; value=&quot;true&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;allowscriptaccess&quot; value=&quot;always&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;embed src=&quot;//;amp;hl=en_US&amp;amp;rel=0&quot; type=&quot;application/x-shockwave-" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">;amp;hl=en_US&amp;amp;rel=0&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;allowFullScreen&quot; value=&quot;true&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;allowscriptaccess&quot; value=&quot;always&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;embed src=&quot;//;amp;hl=en_US&amp;amp;rel=0&quot; type=&quot;application/x-shockwave-</a>

« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 07:45:46 AM by sheclown »


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Re: Zimmerman Found Not Guilty
« Reply #284 on: July 16, 2013, 07:26:56 AM »
Someone may have already posted this, but here:


<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

Slightly different case as there are over 20 eyewitnesses listed by the defense, a recorded phone call from one of the juveniles that were in the car and video footage from security cameras.  I'm sure there is more that hasn't been released yet and shouldn't be because the case needs to be tried in a courtroom first. The problem with Zimmerman was no one really knows what happened except for him which leaves a lot of room for interjection.  What will be interesting about this case is if Stand Your Ground applies to being in public what constitutes the feeling of danger.  That would mean if I was trying to park my truck at OP Mall and someone took the spot I was waiting for, I can shoot them and claim Stand Your Ground?  Very scary thought if this case affirms SYG.