Author Topic: Chinese fighter intercepts Navy Poseidon  (Read 38485 times)


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Re: Chinese fighter intercepts Navy Poseidon
« Reply #60 on: May 28, 2015, 11:28:25 AM »
No doubt, he is right.  Where opposition was fractured before, its coalescing now.

Its 1931 all over again. Hopefully it wont lead to another Mukden Incident and another Lytton Report.


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Re: Chinese fighter intercepts Navy Poseidon
« Reply #61 on: May 31, 2015, 11:20:30 PM »
At the planned Shangri-La conference in Singapore, it seems everyone got the stress off their chest.  After the US criticized some of the other countries involved, China applauded our attitude adjustment.

Per Reuters:

China, U.S. tone down rhetoric but far from South China Sea solution

After a months-long row over Beijing's island-building in the South China Sea, the United States and China were relatively restrained at Asia's top security forum this weekend, but no closer to any solution.

U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter told the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore that China was threatening security in the region with its maritime construction work, but acknowledged other claimant countries to the disputed sea were also at fault.

"There's no progress in the South China Sea (dispute), but the atmosphere has calmed a bit, thanks to reasonable consideration by all parties," said Major General Jin Yinan of China's National Defense University, a delegate at the conference. "The U.S. has adjusted its stance a little."

Admiral Sun Jianguo, a deputy chief of staff of the People's Liberation Army who headed the Chinese delegation, refrained from singling out the United States for criticism in his address and emphasized China's commitment to peaceful relations.

"China has always kept in mind the larger interests of maritime security," Sun said, reiterating that his country's "indisputable" claims over the waters were based on legal and historical evidence.

Nevertheless, Washington is under huge pressure to respond forcefully to the Chinese land reclamation, with Republican Senator John McCain, one of the participants at the dialogue, suggesting that U.S. ships and aircraft ignore the 12-nautical mile zone around the artificial islands.

"If we respected a 12-mile zone, then we would be making a mistake of enormous proportions because that would be de facto recognition of Chinese sovereignty," said McCain, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

If U.S. vessels enter the zone, tensions would escalate sharply and there is no saying how Chinese forces based there would respond.

"If you look at the rhetoric, they are going to fight back," said Jia Qingguo, Dean of the School of International Studies at Peking University. "If you look at their interests, they may opt for rhetoric instead of action. But here the danger is of an accident-led conflict."

Admiral Harry Harris, newly appointed chief of the U.S. Pacific Command, told reporters his forces would continue to operate in the region "without limitation and in accordance with international law."

But he also said he wanted increased military-to-military ties with China, including the U.S.-led Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) joint naval exercises in 2016.

McCain and other critics of the administration have said China should be barred from RIMPAC to show U.S. disapproval of its actions.


China also signaled it was not considering declaring an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), which requires overflying aircraft to identify themselves, around the disputed islands anytime soon.

Such a move, which some U.S. military experts have seen as increasingly likely, would be viewed as provocative by Washington.

Sun said a decision on an ADIZ would be taken after an assessment of the security situation and taking "extensive factors" into consideration.

Jin, the major general, told Reuters Beijing was not planning such a move, although he added: "It's not a permanent promise, it's just China is not considering it at the moment."

Other countries participating in the dialogue warned the row could spiral out of control and called for responsible action.

Washington wants more Asian countries, including those from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), to be more assertive against what it sees as Chinese expansionism.

But even Vietnam, which claims islands in the area where China is doing the reclamation work, said the major powers should have good relations with each other, otherwise smaller nations would suffer.

"No country in the region wants to choose between China and the United States," said Bonnie Glaser, a senior adviser at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies.

"If the United States is too tough on China, then we run the risk of losing some of the members, especially ASEAN."


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Re: Chinese fighter intercepts Navy Poseidon
« Reply #63 on: June 02, 2015, 01:21:48 PM »
It's the Marco Polo Bridge -v- Kwantung Army all over again!


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Re: Chinese fighter intercepts Navy Poseidon
« Reply #64 on: June 02, 2015, 01:36:09 PM »
The biggest difference is that Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Phillippines do not warn overflying aircraft they are in a military zone. They have been around for various amounts of time, but they dont threaten people when they come around.

That is what differentiates the Chinese response.


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Re: Chinese fighter intercepts Navy Poseidon
« Reply #65 on: June 02, 2015, 02:00:15 PM »
The biggest difference is that Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Phillippines do not warn overflying aircraft they are in a military zone. They have been around for various amounts of time, but they dont threaten people when they come around.

That is what differentiates the Chinese response.

Well that... and those countries are geographically close to the reefs being destroyed.  Many of them within actual territorial waters...  The article fails to mention most of the disputed reefs are 400-500 miles from China...  A simple look at the map shows those small countries claims as fairly reasonable while China's claim is... outlandishly huge. 

The pink line is China's claim...


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Re: Chinese fighter intercepts Navy Poseidon
« Reply #66 on: June 03, 2015, 08:44:43 AM »

Philippines making progress with new naval base near Spratlys

Michael Cohen, Manila and James Hardy, London - IHS Jane's Navy International

01 June 2015

The Philippine Navy (PN) has released images of the first major access road to a pier being built in Oyster Inlet on the South China Sea side of Palawan Island.

Oyster Inlet, which is in Ulugan Bay and 18 km from Naval Station Carlito Cunanan, has been the site of a small pier and fresh water station since the 1950s. It is being expanded into a major naval anchorage along with three other nearby coves.

The expansion of Oyster Inlet was announced during a 2013 visit to the Ulugan Bay area by President Benigno Aquino. A PN statement released on 29 May described the building of the road network as a part of a three-year development that will make Oyster Inlet a major naval anchorage for the PN and "visiting allies".

A project development programme report describes a facility that will have a secure helipad, barracks, and amphibious jungle warfare training centre in the surrounding area of the peninsula. A coast watch radar station and communications centre is to be built on hills overlooking the site along with a defensive network of armed outposts and monitoring systems.

While most of the plans are classified, sources have suggested that an area forward joint operations centre for visiting "security and treaty partners" of the Philippines will also be built.



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Re: Chinese fighter intercepts Navy Poseidon
« Reply #67 on: June 04, 2015, 12:38:25 PM »
Best graphic I have found...  8)


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Re: Chinese fighter intercepts Navy Poseidon
« Reply #68 on: June 04, 2015, 12:43:14 PM »
^^^Where's it from?


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Re: Chinese fighter intercepts Navy Poseidon
« Reply #71 on: June 15, 2015, 11:32:23 AM »
Nothing riles the Chinese more than the Japanese.

We can fly B52's through their ADIZ with a collective yawn, but if the JDSF does anything the Chinese does the diplomatic blitz.


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Re: Chinese fighter intercepts Navy Poseidon
« Reply #74 on: August 10, 2015, 10:11:38 AM »


Figure 2: PRC Claims in the SCS overlaid on 200 nm EEZ lines (Goran tek-en)