Going to comment on a few things in line...
1) Docks for boats smaller than 300 ft long are not protected in any way from channel wakes, so the setup for the docks is a bit unrealistic
They could slow the area down like they do near the main street bridge.
2) Too many palm trees
Exactly what I said in my post:)
4) There is some sort of disconnect, a major one, between what's graphically shown in the renderings, and the actual size/layout of the piers in place (not even considering their structural integrity)
I'm not an architect so I can't comment on the structural integrity
5) Do I see rendered wood all over the place as a floor material for riverwalks/piers? Have we not learned our lesson?
You do or don't, who can say? It might be composite, which would be perfectly fine.
6) WTF, a hot air balloon poorly rendered in Paint on one of the slides? Really?
Why do you hate paint so much?
7) The architecture - again, I know just a placeholder, but this architecture doesn't even attempt to communicate at all to the history and aesthetics of Jacksonville. It's very blase, yes, so that's a strike but forgiveable for the fact that I'm ASSUMING this is all a placeholder, but it's not even a blase that works for Jax.
Like you said, just a placeholder
8 ) The Naval ship is going to just hang off of one of the piers into the channel current? Someone DID NOT think that through at all.
Works just fine for the USS Alabama in Mobile.
9) Is it just me or is one of the slides completely lifted from the design of the Miami Central Station with some additions of glass and a color scheme switcharoo? Namely, the slide below the one where the Naval ship is precariously hanging on by a thread to the end of one of these piers. Last slide on Pg 2
10) The 2nd slide on Pg 3 - wtf. Seriously, wtf. "Play" is the theme. But play on what? An area of wooden boards and a pointless unattractive riverwalk feature that inclines up in the middle like a bridge? The whole thing seems pointless. "Boardwalk Bridge" is its label on next slide. And here we go with the wood again!
Again, might not be wood. But there's nothing wrong with expanding the river walk with something like this. Great photo op for downtown too.
11) Offices that don't appear to be structurally possible as rendered given what's there now, WITH A FOOTBALL FIELD ON TOP.
Really? We don't have the technology to put a field on top of buildings? We can put buildings on top of parking garages, I think a field would be just fine.
13) The little awkward pudgy things my eyes couldn't quite understand at first are the "office" buildings poking up outa the top where people are supposedly going to play football and not kick any balls off the roof of that 100 ft high building onto people below.
14) More football fields rendered. I guess that's what we can expect from the owner of a football team. But wow. Did Khan take a break from owning a team and render all this himself? It wouldn't surprise me.
Why so much hate for the football fields? Even if you're not a jaguar fan, they bring 50,000 downtown every weekend there's a game, you can't argue that. I like to think of these as Armada fields anyways 
What's wrong with football fields in a mixed-use office/retail/hotel development? What's wrong with football fields on the ROOF of a building 100 ft up over an area with pedestrians walking around who could get hit by a ball should it fly off? What are they going to put nets all around the tops of these buildings? You can't be serious with these questions. And then putting office space on top of that weird MASSIVE "mixed-use"/retail building so their view is of a football field, on top of a building? Better spare no expense on the glass, either.
Let me provide you guys an example of a similar "massive" mixed-use, long-term proposal for my city. Basically conceptual at this point, so really the Shipyards and my example are in similar stage. This is AT MINIMUM what I would like to see (scroll down for an imbedded presentation):
Nice. No sarcasm, thats a very well integrated project into its surrounding urban fabric, pre-existing urban fabric i might add. But dude you're comparing Jacksonville to freaking San Fran! Your project and Khan's are in totally separate dynamics and you can't even begin to compare these two in size, scope, focus, demand, market etc. The architecture in your rendering is beautiful! The materials, shapes of the high-rises, and layout including green houses and public art plazas. However, I didn't see anything that differed in quality or wow factor in that, that Khan didn't deliver today.
1) The way they effectively extended the street grid out into the river focusing on the north/south vs. the eat/west was a win
2) Effectively minimizes views of the Jailhouse to proposed residents and offices
3) Creates something no other city has without a gimmicky wheel or over repeated observation tower
4) Use of low to mid rise structures creates more density+more businesses+more activity
5) Creates more convention space, meeting space, hotel space, and residents and retail downtown
6) Encourages development back into Bay St, A. Phillip Randolph corridor into Springfield due to its building off the existing grid
7) Jacksonville will have THE best sports entertainment corridor and game day experience around. Imagine the concerts, festivals, NCAA events, Bowl Games, Armada games, high school tournaments, etc that will be drawn to this iconic sports playground on the river.

The design itself is visually engaging and inviting rather than bold and imposing. No sharp points or bulging hulking scrapers, all smooth lines and natural influences play well of the adjacent river. It encourages activity along the river and Bay st. simultaneously.
9) This essentially gives Jacksonville a new convention center and amphitheater and accompanying high end signature hotel, possibly freeing up new uses for the Prime Obsborn and Metro Park and even the Jacksonville Landing.
10) My only issue are those FIREWORKS! How dare they paint fireworks into a rendering using paint..dont even get me started on that hot air balloon