really... he speaks for the whole community it appears... and will be the arbiter of what constitutes "intelligent" development... But all is not lost, he would deign to allow it in someone else's backyard...
Erm... he said, ""Many
Try reading the actual quote, in context next time Adam - to wit
""The primary concern of the community is the fact that the Oak Street corridor between King Street and Margaret Street is vulnerable to commercial encroachment," Pettway said. "Our best use for that property is residences. We actually would love to see something put in there and see that property develop, but we would like to see it develop intelligently.""
Still have smart mouth comment?
Fair enough - I see your point. I took the comment about many neighbours to be qualification. It's clear that KPettway is acting as a spokesman (for exactly whom, I don't know). I have no issue with his points - I think they're fair and if I lived across the street from a proposed restaurant, I'd possibly oppose it or want changes. It's to be expected. I wouldn't be surprised if the strength of opposition to the proposal weakens the further you move away from the site.
All that said - he (KPettway) has been perfectly nice. There is no reason for you to be a [redacted]. He's not insulted you or anything. I don't see why you can't just accept that he has a different opinion without immediately feeling the need to make it personal. You should be able to disagree and remain civil while you do it.
Or maybe you're just angry at the world because mommy and daddy put you on restriction because you got too many Ds and Fs on your most recent report card. How's that for a smart mouth comment, [redacted]?