Here are the two possible options for rebuild that FHP displayed, along with the BLK container cafe, courtesy
Both are dramatic improvements, but I remain convinced that a mini-Bryant Park style Great Lawn concept (full upgrade) is the perfect use for the space. I also think that making a kid's interactive fountain the central point of the park (incremental upgrade) ignores and does disservice to the ideal Hemming Park visitor - the downtown worker. It's great to keep weekend families in mind when designing upgrades, but Hemming should be a park primarily tailored to adults, not children. The full upgrade proposed, while surely pricey,
nails it. FHP have done a great job putting lipstick on the pig that they were given with Hemming Plaza, but if we're serious about restoring Hemming to its rightful place as the crown jewel of the Northbank, it's going to take a pretty serious investment.
If the full Hemming upgrade, Laura Street Trio, and no-frills Skyway station in Brooklyn were to become a reality, I'm convinced it'd be off to the races for downtown Jacksonville.