Author Topic: Political cartoons  (Read 631797 times)


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Re: Political cartoons
« Reply #1590 on: October 09, 2011, 12:11:14 AM »
That's exactly my point, Stephen.  I, however, don't condone the cartoon because the delivery is way off, IMHO.  The cartoonist could have used more discretion...

Non-RedNeck Westsider

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Re: Political cartoons
« Reply #1591 on: October 09, 2011, 12:38:20 AM »
Maybe we should take the silloutte of Jobs out and replace it with Al Davis.  Same Effect.  Same Answer.  Fewer Hatists (sic).
A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
-Douglas Adams


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Re: Political cartoons
« Reply #1592 on: October 09, 2011, 08:19:21 AM »
Based on the discussion generated... It appears to be a brilliantly created political statement... It is certainly open to interpretation.  THAT is why I posted it.  I saw it a few differing ways... I believe the artist meant it that way.


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Re: Political cartoons
« Reply #1593 on: October 09, 2011, 08:19:37 AM »


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Re: Political cartoons
« Reply #1594 on: October 10, 2011, 07:06:07 AM »


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Re: Political cartoons
« Reply #1595 on: October 10, 2011, 09:41:21 AM »


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Re: Political cartoons
« Reply #1596 on: October 10, 2011, 09:51:15 AM »


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Re: Political cartoons
« Reply #1597 on: October 10, 2011, 09:53:19 AM »

Ralph W

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Re: Political cartoons
« Reply #1598 on: October 10, 2011, 10:02:32 AM »

The Russians lasted only ten years in Afghanistan.

We are going for the all-time record - Full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes.


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Re: Political cartoons
« Reply #1599 on: October 11, 2011, 08:13:30 AM »


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Re: Political cartoons
« Reply #1600 on: October 11, 2011, 09:58:08 AM »

Captain Zissou

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Re: Political cartoons
« Reply #1601 on: October 11, 2011, 10:29:56 AM »
Of course, since both Sigma and Bridge Troll are delighted to have to pay 50 thousand dollars a peice in taxes for the bailout that the Wall Street Banking clowns took in tax money from every living American citizen to bail their corrupt asses out, anything that looks towards reforming this system is probably ludicrous.

Dang!!! We have some rich posters on this forum!  $50,000 in taxes puts BT and Sigma at about $205,000 in annual income.  They must be doing something right.  However, I didn't realize that for the time being 100% of taxes go towards the bailouts.


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Re: Political cartoons
« Reply #1602 on: October 11, 2011, 11:25:30 AM »
Of course, since both Sigma and Bridge Troll are delighted to have to pay 50 thousand dollars a peice in taxes for the bailout that the Wall Street Banking clowns took in tax money from every living American citizen to bail their corrupt asses out, anything that looks towards reforming this system is probably ludicrous.

Dang!!! We have some rich posters on this forum!  $50,000 in taxes puts BT and Sigma at about $205,000 in annual income.  They must be doing something right.  However, I didn't realize that for the time being 100% of taxes go towards the bailouts.

You're witnessing the age-old adage about everybody flipping conservative as soon as they have money, because of the tax policies. If you get right down to it, that is the sole, single, frayed thread holding the right in this country together behind the Republican masthead; Taxes. The rest of their platform is total hogwash, makes no sense, and everybody including them knows it. But their base is willing to ignore whatever chicanery and nonsense they have to, if it saves them money.

The Repub leadership is well aware of it too, that's why the only thing they'll never negotiate on anymore is tax increases, even when everybody including them knows it's necessary. That would cut the final string holding their support base together. It's basically a one-issue party at this point. All their alleged social issues are stolen from the 2% of the country that's religious zealots, they're too lazy to even up come with their own social policy agenda. But pro-business and low-tax, that's the only reason they have any support at all, and the only reason the Republican party hasn't been completely marginalized.

Use that frame of mind, which is accurate by the way, and you'll understand every single one of these responses from people like Doctor K, Sigma, and Bridgetroll. People who obviously know better, but buy it hook line and sinker anyway, the bottom line is it saves them money.


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Re: Political cartoons
« Reply #1603 on: October 11, 2011, 12:28:45 PM »
Of course, since both Sigma and Bridge Troll are delighted to have to pay 50 thousand dollars a peice in taxes for the bailout that the Wall Street Banking clowns took in tax money from every living American citizen to bail their corrupt asses out, anything that looks towards reforming this system is probably ludicrous.

Dang!!! We have some rich posters on this forum!  $50,000 in taxes puts BT and Sigma at about $205,000 in annual income.  They must be doing something right.  However, I didn't realize that for the time being 100% of taxes go towards the bailouts.

Use that frame of mind, which is accurate by the way, and you'll understand every single one of these responses from people like Doctor K, Sigma, and Bridgetroll. People who obviously know better, but buy it hook line and sinker anyway, the bottom line is it saves them money.

LOL... yeah sure...
Of course, since both Sigma and Bridge Troll are delighted to have to pay 50 thousand dollars a peice in taxes for the bailout that the Wall Street Banking clowns took in tax money from every living American citizen to bail their corrupt asses out, anything that looks towards reforming this system is probably ludicrous.

Dang!!! We have some rich posters on this forum!  $50,000 in taxes puts BT and Sigma at about $205,000 in annual income.  They must be doing something right.  However, I didn't realize that for the time being 100% of taxes go towards the bailouts.

You're witnessing the age-old adage about everybody flipping conservative as soon as they have money, because of the tax policies. If you get right down to it, that is the sole, single, frayed thread holding the right in this country together behind the Republican masthead; Taxes. The rest of their platform is total hogwash, makes no sense, and everybody including them knows it. But their base is willing to ignore whatever chicanery and nonsense they have to, if it saves them money.

The Repub leadership is well aware of it too, that's why the only thing they'll never negotiate on anymore is tax increases, even when everybody including them knows it's necessary. That would cut the final string holding their support base together. It's basically a one-issue party at this point. All their alleged social issues are stolen from the 2% of the country that's religious zealots, they're too lazy to even up come with their own social policy agenda. But pro-business and low-tax, that's the only reason they have any support at all, and the only reason the Republican party hasn't been completely marginalized.

Use that frame of mind, which is accurate by the way, and you'll understand every single one of these responses from people like Doctor K, Sigma, and Bridgetroll. People who obviously know better, but buy it hook line and sinker anyway, the bottom line is it saves them money.

While your description of my financial situation and my movement from democrat to republican undoubtedly helps you frame your picture of me... it is wholly inaccurate... and really says more about yourself than it does me.  You know nothing about me... but if the above fantasy creates a picture in your minds eye... have at it.


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Re: Political cartoons
« Reply #1604 on: October 11, 2011, 12:46:43 PM »
Use that frame of mind, which is accurate by the way, and you'll understand every single one of these responses from people like Doctor K, Sigma, and Bridgetroll. People who obviously know better, but buy it hook line and sinker anyway, the bottom line is it saves them money.
First, I want to thank you for not abbreviating my name, as I'm not truly a Dr. (but I digress)

And to be quite honest, I do find myself torn in a couple of different directions on a lot of the otherwise-left-right issues.  I'm not proud of it, but there it is.

I'm all for raising taxes in order to cover the costs of civic and civil necessities like schools, libraries, police, fire, et al, and to make sure the civic fiscal house is at least close to being in order.

If anything, thanks in no small part to the mostly-engaging dialogue of this Forum, I've probably "flipped liberal" than conservative. 

And it's certainly made me think about a lot of issues at length rather than to just spout my usual knee-jerk, off-the-cuff reactions.  I think I've gotten a lot better at that.

For the record, this ton o' money that you think I have doesn't exist.  Although the goal is to work in that general direction ;)