Author Topic: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street  (Read 11184 times)


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Re: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2016, 09:00:20 AM »
So, will Kim' DEMO' Scott have a positive impact on neighborhoods?  What are her qualifications for this this job?  I bet I (and many others) could do a much better job.   


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Re: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2016, 12:50:46 PM »
So, will Kim' DEMO' Scott have a positive impact on neighborhoods?  What are her qualifications for this this job?  I bet I (and many others) could do a much better job.

Amen to that mbwright!!!  She's obviously not qualified because $1,000,000 in NSP funds were mis-used under her watch.

Non-RedNeck Westsider

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Re: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2016, 01:12:49 PM »
So, will Kim' DEMO' Scott have a positive impact on neighborhoods?  What are her qualifications for this this job?  I bet I (and many others) could do a much better job.

Amen to that mbwright!!!  She's obviously not qualified because $1,000,000 in NSP funds were mis-used under her watch.

And I don't think it takes a genius to understand that a qualified bid for work at $46k is better than a non-bid $50k work order.


Unless you're Lloyd Contracting or the person who may or may not be receiving the kickbacks. 
A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
-Douglas Adams


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Re: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2016, 02:53:36 PM »
Let me fix that for you:

So, will Kim' DEMO' Scott have a positive impact on neighborhoods?  What are her qualifications for this this job?  I bet I (and many others) could do a much better job.

Amen to that mbwright!!!  She's obviously not qualified because $1,000,000 in NSP funds were mis-used under her watch.

And I don't think it takes a genius to understand that a qualified bid for work at $46k $ 24,295.00 if they had actually followed the lawful decision of the HPC is better than a non-bid $50k work order.

Unless you're Lloyd Contracting or the person who may or may not be receiving the kickbacks. 

More than twice to do what they wanted to do rather than follow the true lawful order of the HPC.

Non-RedNeck Westsider

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Re: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2016, 03:17:47 PM »
More than twice to do what they wanted to do rather than follow the true lawful order of the HPC.

i understand that. 

The point I'm making is why would you pay $50k for something you already have a quote in hand for less?  As taxpayers, that's our money, not hers, and there damn well should be some more accountability. 

I personally think that the angle you guys should be pursuing is the apparent fraud that seems to be taking place on a regular basis. Because the paper trail seems it would be a little easier to follow due to the sunshine nature of public bids, and the person(s) responsible could face a little more than a slap on the wrist.  You would probably have an easy go getting some additional funding to help from the contractors who are regularly out-bid on jobs.  Or in this case, the low bid, but still missing the contract.

Either way, it still serves your purpose of saving the houses if you can find alternative ways to remove the people who are making the decisions at the top.
A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
-Douglas Adams

Houseboat Mike

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Re: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2016, 04:10:00 PM »
More than twice to do what they wanted to do rather than follow the true lawful order of the HPC.

i understand that. 

The point I'm making is why would you pay $50k for something you already have a quote in hand for less?  As taxpayers, that's our money, not hers, and there damn well should be some more accountability. 

I personally think that the angle you guys should be pursuing is the apparent fraud that seems to be taking place on a regular basis. Because the paper trail seems it would be a little easier to follow due to the sunshine nature of public bids, and the person(s) responsible could face a little more than a slap on the wrist.  You would probably have an easy go getting some additional funding to help from the contractors who are regularly out-bid on jobs.  Or in this case, the low bid, but still missing the contract.

Either way, it still serves your purpose of saving the houses if you can find alternative ways to remove the people who are making the decisions at the top.



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Re: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2016, 04:44:35 PM »
Either way, it still serves your purpose of saving the houses if you can find alternative ways to remove the people who are making the decisions at the top.

This. If there is a legal case to be brought, then take the money you raise and use it for that. It will save a lot more houses in the long run than just saving one house at a time. 


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Re: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2016, 06:04:53 AM »
PSOS is certainly taking further actions on this.  We will discuss this when it is appropriate to do so.

In the meantime, we need to encourage HPC to raise the standard for demolitions ie the Engineering Reports need to be  REPORTS  with calculations and measurements of structural weakness or strength and not just a short letter of vague statements.  In the case of the demo of 1st street, the engineer's statement was "the floors are wavy".  My grandson could do better than that.

Logically, you ask, why should the HPC make a more stringent case for examination of these structures when they are OBVIOUSLY ignored by the city's top guns?  They must continue to demand that the protection of historic structures occur and they must put that in writing.  I wish the chairman of the HPC would have read the Final Order carefully and fought the changes that the OGC made.  Perhaps next time, he will. 

It is disheartening to say the least.

It is not an easy fight to save the houses.  Never has been.


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Re: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2016, 06:20:33 AM »
It seems like there are absolutely no consequences for the illegal demos. 

SMART demolition
SMART Ethics training.
Anyone else feeling sorry for the .............................PSOS gang?
The 4/4/16 Jacksonville Ethics Commission meeting at 5 pm 1st floor at city hall. Open to the Public will now be SMART Ethics training. Can't make this stuff up. Will there be any media there? How about somebody letting the Wounded Warriors Board of Directors know about this FREE training.
PSOS gang if you decide to show up bring your favorite Tonka demo toy for inspiration. Hope your laughing.
Stay Positive.
Visit Jacksonville!

« Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 06:22:11 AM by Noone »


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Re: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street
« Reply #24 on: March 30, 2016, 11:20:51 AM »
PSOS is certainly taking further actions on this.  We will discuss this when it is appropriate to do so.

In the meantime, we need to encourage HPC to raise the standard for demolitions ie the Engineering Reports need to be  REPORTS  with calculations and measurements of structural weakness or strength and not just a short letter of vague statements.  In the case of the demo of 1st street, the engineer's statement was "the floors are wavy".  My grandson could do better than that.

Logically, you ask, why should the HPC make a more stringent case for examination of these structures when they are OBVIOUSLY ignored by the city's top guns?  They must continue to demand that the protection of historic structures occur and they must put that in writing.  I wish the chairman of the HPC would have read the Final Order carefully and fought the changes that the OGC made.  Perhaps next time, he will. 

It is disheartening to say the least.

It is not an easy fight to save the houses.  Never has been.

Absolutely PSOS will not let this die...  What sheclown stated above is absolutely necessary - stringent examination of these structures and real engineering REPORTS is a good first step.  We also need to remove some of the power that Code Enforcement has to destroy. 

Why doesn't the City of Jacksonville care about
  • Preserving our Historic structures?
  • Wasting taxpayer dollars?
  • Lowering the tax base which in turn lowers the dollars it receives?
  • Following its own Ordinances?
  • Rendering property unmarketable due to liens?
  • Creating BLIGHT?

Aside from the Final Order not matching what was motioned and approved by HPC, I have additional questions regarding the destruction of 439 E 1st Street:

  • Why did the City choose to spend $50,000+ to destroy this structure instead of preserving/restoring it?
  • Why, when asked at the January, February AND March Urban Core CPAC meetings when this action would take place (the March meeting was the night BEFORE the demo) did Code Enforcement NOT disclose this information, even after Bruce Chauncey assured CPAC he would?
  • Why didn't Code Enforcement pull an Alterations/Repair permit to remove the back porch?
  • Why was Michael Lloyd Hauling awarded the demolition contract at $50,000 when Code Enforcement had already obtained bids from other companies at a lower price?
  • Why was the excavator unloaded before the rear porch was removed?
  • Why were there no construction contractors on site?
  • Why were there no materials to brace/stabilize the structure on site?
  • Why was the rear porch removed with an excavator?
  • Why did Code Enforcement violate the 10 Day Asbestos Notification Waiting period?
  • Why were Federal NESHAP guidelines not followed during the demolition?
  • Why was the debris not kept "adequately wet" to prevent introduction of potentially dangerous particulates into the air as required by FEDERAL LAW?
  • Why did the City officials onsite allow the demolition to continue when it was clear potentially dangerous particulates were being introduced into the air?
  • Why were the demo and plumbing sewer disconnect permits pulled 7 days AFTER the demolition?

While the demolition was taking place, I called a contact at the City and was told Code Enforcement deemed this historic structure an immediate threat - an emergency.  We all know what that means:  they don't have to follow any of HPC's orders, or even City Ordinance. 

The bottom-line here is for some unknown reason, Code Enforcement (or someone else with some pull) wanted this old gal GONE.  She never had a chance because Code Enforcement NEVER intended to remove only the back porch......she was doomed from the beginning.   :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


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Re: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2016, 12:30:10 PM »
I still can't figure out the disconnect after a couple years of following these demolitions.

You guys always seem to make a strong case regarding unfollowed ordinances, broken laws, misused federal and local funds, bid rigging, kickbacks and the fact (contrary to some peoples belief at the state of the Springfield real estate market) that after demo, these lots in Springfield in particular, are now virtually useless. The seemingly craziness of Kim whatever her name is still being on city payroll.
Assuming you have your facts straight and your ducks in a row, does not someone in your sphere of influence have the ability to get in front of someone in power for 30 minutes to get to the bottom of the situation.


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Re: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2016, 01:43:59 PM »
I still can't figure out the disconnect after a couple years of following these demolitions.

You guys always seem to make a strong case regarding unfollowed ordinances, broken laws, misused federal and local funds, bid rigging, kickbacks and the fact (contrary to some peoples belief at the state of the Springfield real estate market) that after demo, these lots in Springfield in particular, are now virtually useless. The seemingly craziness of Kim whatever her name is still being on city payroll.
Assuming you have your facts straight and your ducks in a row, does not someone in your sphere of influence have the ability to get in front of someone in power for 30 minutes to get to the bottom of the situation.

Apache, do you have a recommendation?  Because I'd love to do just what you've suggested. 


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Re: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2016, 02:09:23 PM »
I still can't figure out the disconnect after a couple years of following these demolitions.

You guys always seem to make a strong case regarding unfollowed ordinances, broken laws, misused federal and local funds, bid rigging, kickbacks and the fact (contrary to some peoples belief at the state of the Springfield real estate market) that after demo, these lots in Springfield in particular, are now virtually useless. The seemingly craziness of Kim whatever her name is still being on city payroll.
Assuming you have your facts straight and your ducks in a row, does not someone in your sphere of influence have the ability to get in front of someone in power for 30 minutes to get to the bottom of the situation.

Apache, do you have a recommendation?  Because I'd love to do just what you've suggested.

In addition to your other efforts have you considered the social media accounts of  @HUDgov or @SecretaryCastro ?  "Why is the City of Jacksonville allowed to misuse NSP funds with impunity?"  or something more eloquent?

OR or @CityofJax  @jaxmayorcurry what do you think about: Kim Scott overseeing unfollowed ordinances, broken laws, misused federal and local funds, bid rigging, kickbacks?

Social media isn't the end all, but it has a bigger reach and is very public.  Something needs to be done to shed light on this and make the public more aware. 

Channel 4 is a MetroJax partner aren't they?  Maybe it's time to push for the "I-team" to investigate?  They sure jumped on GMF over their HUD issues.   The I-Team investigators are good at digging for facts and exposing people and systems that need public scrutiny, and they welcome you suggestions of where to dig. Please email or sent a text to 904-479-NEWS. Include as many details, names and other specifics as you can. And, yes, you certainly can remain anonymous.

I believe First Coast News did one story on Kim Scott & misuse of NSP funds a while back, did they ever follow up or do more digging? 

« Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 09:08:22 PM by Gators312 »


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Re: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2016, 02:57:50 PM »
I agree, give the news teams a story and they will run it.  They covered the demolition of this house and they always love a good corruption story.


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Re: The Sad Saga of 439 East First Street
« Reply #29 on: March 30, 2016, 09:18:03 PM »
I still can't figure out the disconnect after a couple years of following these demolitions.

You guys always seem to make a strong case regarding unfollowed ordinances, broken laws, misused federal and local funds, bid rigging, kickbacks and the fact (contrary to some peoples belief at the state of the Springfield real estate market) that after demo, these lots in Springfield in particular, are now virtually useless. The seemingly craziness of Kim whatever her name is still being on city payroll.
Assuming you have your facts straight and your ducks in a row, does not someone in your sphere of influence have the ability to get in front of someone in power for 30 minutes to get to the bottom of the situation.

Apache, do you have a recommendation?  Because I'd love to do just what you've suggested.

Sure. Get in front of the mayor. Surely stephendare, chrisufgator, tachale or someone has a connection to him. Get someone who can speak succinctly and unemotionally in front of him for a half hour.