Author Topic: Developers owe $552,000 as legal battle over Kings Ave. garage grinds on  (Read 2245 times)


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Proof that JTA/FDOT shouldn't be in the property management business.

I noticed that JTA has put up for sale a parcel they condemned in order to complete the Kernan Overpass of Beach. It removed the business on the parcel ( a Chevron gas station) and built a retention pond. Now on what is left they are trying to sell it back.

Not only is the parcel too small now for any rational use, access is severely limited due to the new overpass.

Today it is being used as a staging area for the contractor putting the palms in the Beach median from 295 to Hodges.

There is something wrong when a govt. entity condemns land and then tries to sell it back.


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Proof that JTA/FDOT shouldn't be in the property management business.

I noticed that JTA has put up for sale a parcel they condemned in order to complete the Kernan Overpass of Beach. It removed the business on the parcel ( a Chevron gas station) and built a retention pond. Now on what is left they are trying to sell it back.

Not only is the parcel too small now for any rational use, access is severely limited due to the new overpass.

Today it is being used as a staging area for the contractor putting the palms in the Beach median from 295 to Hodges.

There is something wrong when a govt. entity condemns land and then tries to sell it back.

You would be astonished how often that happens. Usually after they've fought the owner's appraisal in eminent domain tooth and nail, then they list it a year or two later for more than what they said it wasn't worth. See it all the time. Govt. often acts like a for profit corporation. Usually the plans change for whatever reason, lately it's been downward revisions to population growth and traffic count estimates that have driven it. But it still drives me nuts when they take someone's property and then act that way about paying for it.


  • Guest
If the FDOT needs only part of the property and the seller only wants to the entire property, then I don't see any reason the FDOT shouldn't sell the part  it doesn't need.     


  • Guest
Proof that JTA/FDOT shouldn't be in the property management business.

I noticed that JTA has put up for sale a parcel they condemned in order to complete the Kernan Overpass of Beach. It removed the business on the parcel ( a Chevron gas station) and built a retention pond. Now on what is left they are trying to sell it back.

Not only is the parcel too small now for any rational use, access is severely limited due to the new overpass.

Today it is being used as a staging area for the contractor putting the palms in the Beach median from 295 to Hodges.

There is something wrong when a govt. entity condemns land and then tries to sell it back.

Exactly, JTA has no business managing property when they clearly have no idea how to do so properly.

Charles Hunter

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Proof that JTA/FDOT shouldn't be in the property management business.

I noticed that JTA has put up for sale a parcel they condemned in order to complete the Kernan Overpass of Beach. It removed the business on the parcel ( a Chevron gas station) and built a retention pond. Now on what is left they are trying to sell it back.

Not only is the parcel too small now for any rational use, access is severely limited due to the new overpass.

Today it is being used as a staging area for the contractor putting the palms in the Beach median from 295 to Hodges.

There is something wrong when a govt. entity condemns land and then tries to sell it back.

You would be astonished how often that happens. Usually after they've fought the owner's appraisal in eminent domain tooth and nail, then they list it a year or two later for more than what they said it wasn't worth. See it all the time. Govt. often acts like a for profit corporation. Usually the plans change for whatever reason, lately it's been downward revisions to population growth and traffic count estimates that have driven it. But it still drives me nuts when they take someone's property and then act that way about paying for it.

But I thought conservatives wanted gummint run like a business?