
Should an amendment be attached to 2010-604 that would keep the 680' Public Pier separate from the 44 acres that was Shipyards/Landmar?

44 (91.7%)
4 (8.3%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Voting closed: August 11, 2010, 04:18:46 PM

Author Topic: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier  (Read 68533 times)


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #405 on: January 13, 2014, 06:38:24 AM »
Is the Public Pier now a NEGATIVE option?
Super Duper Secret FIND meeting one day out.
Governor Scott- Please help. let's get to work- Just not in Jacksonville.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #406 on: January 14, 2014, 06:33:13 AM »
Super Duper Secret FIND meeting today. 3 hours out. 9:30 am 4th floor city hall Conf. Room A. Open to the Public. OUR property tax money. I'll mention again the Historic Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier. 2010-604


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #407 on: January 29, 2014, 12:49:12 PM »
The 2/13/13 meeting of the Jacksonville Waterways Commission was a marathon meeting of epoch proportions that had sparks flying everywhere in persuing FIND. Most participants were hoping for one. For a process that involves our ad valorem property taxes that we all participate in you have to just be in shock that nobody shows up for this. We are LOST.

There was a special meeting of the Jacksonville Waterways Commission 1/28/13 to compile a list for the 2013 FIND grant application cycle that will be approved by the administration and city council. So going from the minutes in attendance Council member Jim Love (Chair), Lori Boyer (Vice Chair), John Crescimbeni; Commissioners Gary Anderson, Lane Burnett, Ed Fleming, John Godfrey, Ray Pringle, Scott Shine, Stephen Swann; State Representative Lake Ray, and Commissioners Ralph Hodges and Penny Thompson were excused;Capt. Jim Suber; Paige Johnston OGC; Kelley Boree, Director, Parks and Recreation Dept; Tera Meeks, Chief, Waterfront Management Programming; Gary Kresel, Jody McDaniel, Planning& Development Dept; James Richardson, Environmental Protection Board; Connie Benham; Larry Solomon, CPAC #5; Attorney Kristina Nelson; Attorney Tom Ingram; John Nooney, Recreational Fishing Alliance;David Hahn, Public Works Dept; Matt Brockelman; Joe Wilhelm, Financial News & Dailey Record; Marilyn Allen, Legislative Assistant; John J. Jackson, Council Research Division.

So the 2/13/13  full meeting of the Jacksonville Waterways Commission started at 8am and went right to the agenda and saved the FIND list for later.

Two pieces of legislation. 2013-51 $100,000 for an artificial reef. No discussion. Passed 9-0
2013-105 A resolution from the Administration and it was deferred.

Public comment was also quick and I presented a check on behalf of the Recreational Fishing Alliance to 2009 -442 the artificial reef trust fund. Once the FIND work is done lets not forget that there are 6 artificial reefs that can move forward in the river south of the Fuller Warren. I also shared with Waterways that a Potential Funding source should be the open law suit with Palms Fish Camp that is next to a FIND project. Cha Ching!

The FIND project list that was started at the 1/28/13 meeting was continued from the beginning. This was over a 5 hour meeting.
Again, I have to give props to councilman Love for a very well run meeting that allowed everyone the opportunity to participate and not just during the Public comment period. And this was for everyone during the FIND grant application process. No complaints here.

I just want to share with you my concerns and it goes back to the 1/28/13 meeting and in my opinion is the misrepresentation by OGC on the Jim Love, Kevin Kuzel kayak floating dock compromise NEXT to the Shipyards pier. Kristina Nelson who is no longer with OGC Office of General Council was now being paid to be at this meeting and render an opinion on Shipyards. There is CONTAMINATION at the Shipyards. The Love compromise has nothing to do with Shipyards.

So now at the 2/13/13 meeting we are going over the projects again and the Love,Kuzel floating dock compromise comes up again and there is now another round of excellent discussion and Paige Johnston with OGC is now fielding the questions. Catherine St. Is now listed between Shipyards and Berkman. I never noticed it until it was pointed out at the meeting. Also and this is funny. I think so. Isn't this what's going on at the Park View (contamination) So we originally have Shipyards, give the guys $36,500,000 and tell them to go for it. Was there contamination then? There out and we bring in Landmar and they put in the bulkhead. 1000's of feet of Bulkhead. Did they stir up any contamination?

We are talking about a 20 maybe 30' floating dock NEXT to Shipyards. The Love, Kuzel Compromise is brilliant. Council members Boyer and Crescimbeni asked some great questions and councilwoman Boyer is now checking in to see if this is indeed a waterfront Public Access street end and wants to know. Ben Warner, DIA, Mayor Brown, People of Jacksonville, cross your fingers.

This is just a sampling of the dialogue and discussion that was occurring. I also mentioned Palmer Terrace Park Dist. 4 that needs a Mayor Brown Kayak logo. Dave Roman and Kelley Boree were not at the meeting. But Don Redman supports the kayak logo at Palmer Terrace Park. Just need to make it happen.

Tom Ingram was there and I hope he shares some of the actions that were taken. There is a lot more. County Dock?

So in the meantime who wants to put in at Palmer Terrace Park that doesn't have a Mayor Brown kayak logo and we'll take it over and fish under the brand new No Fishing signs that was never before Waterways.

I am Downtown and why you aren't

Still looking for the LOST FIND thread. Can the Historic Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier ( Bay St. Pier Park ) still happen?


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #408 on: February 04, 2014, 07:53:04 AM »
Wanted to bump this.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #409 on: July 16, 2014, 08:32:05 AM »
Is this the cool announcement for Shipyards III?


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #410 on: July 18, 2014, 09:28:17 AM »
it would meet the criteria


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #411 on: August 10, 2014, 09:37:25 AM »
Does anybody care?
1st on the agenda was Presentation on St. Johns River Innitiatives- Vince Seibold, Chief, Environmental Quality Division was let go yesterday. Gone. SOL. Bye-Bye. So wrong. For sharing a concern in a Public meeting when asked a question.

FIND update on 2012 grants
Pottsburg Creek dredge $250,000. Design started. Somebody ask about this project.

Will have more later. Just one person for Public Comment.

Our St. johns River our American Heritage River a Federal Initiative in our newly created DIA zone. I'm scared to death.

Can you tell us more about this?


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #412 on: August 11, 2014, 05:13:35 AM »
Does anybody care?
Palms Fish Camp- How do you sign up for this stuff?
Vince Seibold - Chief, Environmental Quality Division fired for sharing a concern in a Public meeting.
How many votes did the USS Adams get at One Spark?
Shipyards III
The  Jim Love, Kevin Kuzel Berkman floating dock compromise misrepresented by OGC during the 2013 FIND grant application process.
Does anybody want to write a check to 2009-442? The Artificial Reef Trust Fund.
Ben - JCCI - We need to kayak Downtown before 2025.

Going from the minutes of the March, 13, 2013 Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting.
In attendance: at the Feb. 13, 2013 meeting. Council members Jim Love (Chair), Lori Boyer (Vice Chair), John Crescimbeni, Commissioners Gary Anderson, Ed Fleming, John Godfrey, Ralph Hodges, Scott Shine, Stephen Swann, Penny Thompson; Commissioners Lane Burnett, Ray Pringle, State representative Lake Ray were excused. Paige Johnston,OGC; Dr. White, Dr. Pinto, JU; Capt. Jim Suber, Waterways Coordinator; Marilyn Allen, Legislative Assistant; Tera Meeks, Chief, Waterfront Management Programming; Gary Kresel, Jody McDaniel, Planning& Development Dept. James Richardson, Environmental Protection Board; Geoffrey Sample, SJRWMD, Lisa Rinaman, St. Johns Riverkeeper; David Hahn, Public Works Dept. Atty. Tom Ingram;Larry Salomon, NW CPAC; Tracy Arpen, Sandy Arpen, Mandarin Museum & Historical Society; Gabriele Dempsey, Mandarin Museum & Historical Society; Karen Droege; John Pittman; John Nooney, Recreational Fishing Alliance; Bill Parker;Denise Highes, Jacksonville Reef Research Team; Jeff Edawards; Kevin Kuzel, ECA (Love), John J. Jackson, Council Research Division.

So on the agenda
Two pieces of legislation 2013-106, and 2013-138
III - Florida Boater Improvement Fund Expenses - Commissioner Scott Shine
IV- St. Johns River status report Water quality & Manatee- Dr. White and Dr. Pinto, JU
V- St. John River Issue update- Lisa Rinaman, St. Johns Riverkeeper
VI- Riverwalk Project- Vanessa K. Harper,
VII-OLd & new business
VIII- Public Comment

When I first heard of the Riverwalk Project my initial thought was a presentation that past Waterways Commission members had on Shipyards and Landmar and it was going to be on the upcoming North and Southbank Riverwalk improvements but instead it was a One Spark presentation. it was nice that they were on the agenda. How many votes did the USS Adams get?
made another donation to 2009-442.

The Commissioners of FIND we're in Flagler county and it will and should be a statewide joke that after 5 years and I  still don't have one single sponsor to take back to the commissioners of FIND for a pocket park/Pocket Pier. The total crushing of the Public Trust. Pick and choose the winners and losers.

Sheclown, I'm guessing that you are talking about the wrongful termination of Vince Seibold? It was a shocker and It was at the Waterways meeting that we became aware. The guy is on the agenda. So there was a WOW! factor in the sparse group. Jim Love is the Chair and you have to realize that there are just two more Waterway meetings and then new council leadership along with new council assignments. As I recall Vince was never mentioned.

So in that year April 2013- April -2014 a lot may have happened in the Springfield hood?

Hope this helps.


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #413 on: August 11, 2014, 05:24:53 AM »
Does anybody care?
13 days ago was the April 10, 2013 Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting.

So going from the minutes. At the March, 13, 2013 in attendance Council member Jim Love (Chair), Lori Boyer (Vice Chair), John Crescimbeni; Commissioners Gary Anderson, Ed Fleming, John Godfrey, Ralph Hodges, Ray Pringle, Scott Shine, Stephen Swann, Penny Thompson; Commissioner Lane Burnett, and state Rep Lake Ray were excused. Paige Johnston, OGC; Dr. White, JU; Capt. Jim Suber, Waterways Coordinator; Tera Meeks, Chief Waterfront Management Programming; James Richardson, Environmental Protection Board; Vince Seibold, Chief, Water Quality Division; Capt. mike Getchell, Jacksonville Marine Transportation Exchange; Lisa Rinaman, St. johns Riverkeeper; Geoffrey Sample, SJRWMD; Radha Pyati, UNF; Lt. Commander Robert Butts, USCG; Mike Hollingsworth, United States Army Corps of Engineers; Marilyn Allen, Legislative Asst. John J. Jackson, City Council Research Division

So to the agenda
I- Approval of minutes.
II- Presentation of St. johns River Innitiatives- Vince Seibold, Chief, Environmental Quality Division- FIRED the day before.
III- St. Johns River Status Report
      Water Quality & Manatee - Dr. White, Dr. Pinto, JU
IV- St. Johns River Issue Update- Lisa Rinaman, St. Johns Riverkeeper
V- Old Business, New Business
VI - Public Comment

During Public Comment made another donation to 2009-442. The Artificial Reef Trust Fund. 6 permitted reefs south of the Fuller Warren Bridge.
Mentioned the Jim Love, Kevin Kuzel Berkman Floating dock compromise Shipyards III that was misrepresented by OGC during the 2013 FIND grant application process.
I've given up on asking you know who about you know what.
Palms Fish Camp- Corruption
Seriously looking for any FBI guys or gals interested in a RICO paddle Downtown. Bonus if you have your fishing license. We'll take it under the brand new No Fishing signs that was never before Waterways.
Don Redman, Scott, Dave did we get any votes or honorable mentions for Palmer Terrace Park? How about a kayak logo at Sydney Gefen Park? Berkman Floating dock next to Shipyards?

Ben- JCCI- We need to kayak Downtown before 2025.

Sheclown, This thread had Vince on the agenda. Over the years the Department heads would be at all the meetings and not hiding up in offices watching on TV and then running down for crisis control. Vince was always there. The SJRWMD guy is always there even though he is not on the agenda. 


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #414 on: January 25, 2015, 08:23:25 AM »
The November 14, 2012 Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting will soon have Tony Allegretti who has been asked to have a presentation for the next DIA Board meeting on the branding for our city will have playing softly in the background the song "You are my SUNSHINE, My only SUNSHINE" We are so Lost and need to FIND FIND in the Sunshine in Jacksonville.
The total crushing of the Public Trust continues to happen in this community.

What we all have to remember is FIND is good. Jacksonville is LOST.

Going from the Oct. 10, 2012 minutes in attendance: Councilmembers Jim Love ( Chair), Lori Boyer (Vice Chair), John Crescimbeni; Commissioners Gary Anderson, Lane Burnett, Ed Fleming, John Godfrey, Ralph Hodges, Raymond Pringle, Scott Shine, Stephen Swann, Penny Thompson; State Representative Lake Ray was excused; OGC Kristina Nelson (Who announced that it was her last meeting, Hey Greg Radlinski-Want to come back?), Dr Quinton White, Dr Gerry Pinto, JU, Capt. Jim Suber Waterways Coordinator,Jessica Stephens, Legislative Assistant, Dave Roman, Mayor's Office; Vince Seibold, Chief, Environmental Quality Division; Geoff Sample, SJRWMD, Capt. Mike Getchell, Jacksonville Marine Transportation Exchange; Craig Van Brocklin, John Nooney, Recreational Fishing Alliance; Ron Littlepage, FTU; Bill Parker, Charles Wingfield; ECA Kevin Kuzel (Love), John J. Jackson, Council Research Division.

One of the highlights on the agenda and a presentation by Janie Thomas, Executive Director, Shrimp Producers Association was the reopening of Oyster and Clam Beds in Duval county.

 Another item on the agenda was by Athena T Mann, VP Environmental Services, JEA

Also on the agenda was the St. Johns Riverkeeper. I asked about the letter of support on the Shipyards III pier as we were walking in together so that I can take it to the city council and now our DIA. It's coming.

It was a long meeting and I left at one point to go out and extend my time in the meter because the last time I was Downtown I got a $15 parking ticket. 2012-674 is the parking legislation that may soon prohibit me from doing that. Extending my time.

Anyway I'm getting my Public Comment card prepared and Tom Ingram who was instrumental in last years PUBLIC FIND grant application cycle appears and sits a few seats away. Dave Roman and Tom exit the back briefly and come back and Tom leaves the meeting.

Noticeably absent from the meeting again is Tera Meeks who is the Chief of all our Preservation Park Lands, Kelley Boree who is in charge of our Parks. And Jody McDaniel who is our FIND person. Now mind you the Commissioners of FIND are meeting in Jacksonville in two days. Mind you. Every meeting there is a FIND update on the table for the commissioners and the Public. So at the end of the meeting during Public Comments about 2  1/2 hours later I ask what happened to the FIND update and then all of a sudden OH! HERE IT IS. Was there a PUBLIC meeting like last year on this? Total destruction of the PUBLIC TRUST. This is our ad valorem property tax revenue. Who should be fired for circumventing this process? Governor Scott, Can't wait to hear what you have to say about this. It's not your fault. I have that letter where we talked about the Historic Promised 680 ' Downtown Public Pier Shipyards III.

The FIND project list has 12 projects.
Sisters ICW dock redesign
County Road Kayak Launch
Alamacani dock
Lighting at BR
Harborview Dredging
Half Moon Island
Reed Island
Charles Reese BR dock
Exchange Island Dock
geffen Riverwalk kayak launch and piling removal
San Marco Lake kayak access point and parking plan
Continuation of Blue Cypress boardwalk

After the meeting the council members that I talked with as well as some of the Jacksonville Waterways Commission members were totally clueless to this list. HOW WRONG!

I went to the Board meeting of our new DIA and showed them the secret list. This is not good.

Yesterday, I went to the meeting of the Commissioner of the Florida Inland Navigation District and showed them our secret list. The problem is not the commissioners of FIND.

I can't wait for the next Board meeting of our DIA and the branding for our city.

Visit Jacksonville- If you can FIND us.

FLORIDA- The SUNSHINE state. Yeah Right! Jacksonville didn't get the memo.

We are so LOST.

Going from the November 14, 2012 Jacksonville Commission meeting minutes in attendance: Council members Jim Love (Chair), Lori Boyer(Vice Chair), John Crescimbeni; Commissioners Gary Anderson, Ed Fleming, John Godfrey,Ralph Hodges, Ray Pringle, State Representative Lake Ray, Scott Shine, Stephen Swann, Penny Thompson; Lane Burnett was excused; OGC Kristina Nelson, Paige Johnston; Dr. White,Dr. Pinto, JU; Capt Jim Suber Waterways Coordinator; Jessica Stephens, Legislative Assistant; SJRK Lisa Rinaman; Dave Roman, Mayor's office; Vince Seibold, Division Chief, Environmental Quality Division Neighborhoods Dept; John Flowe, Environmental Quality Division, Janie Thompson, Executive Director, ShrimpProducers Association;James Richardson, Environmental Protection; Capt Mike Getchell, Jacksonville Marine Transportation Exchange; Capt. Roger Bump, John Nooney, Recreational Fishing Alliance; Bill Parker, Geoff Sample, SJRWMD; Attorney, Tom Ingram; Joe Wilhelm, Daily Record; John J. Jackson, Council Research Division.

First on the agenda was
City of Atlantic Beach- ICW Preserves Master Plan by Rick Carper, Atlantic Beach Public works.

Second was
Update on FIND Operations and Outlook by Mark Crosley, Asst. Executive Director, Florida Inland Navigation District.

Third was
FIND Subcommittee Update by Commissioner Gary Anderson

Fourth was
St. Johns River Status Report Water Quality and Manatee by Dr. White, Dr. Pinto, with JU

Fith was
St. Johns River Issue Update by Lisa Rinaman, St. Johns Riverkeeper

Still waiting on a letter of support from the Administration RK on the Historic Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier (Shipyards III).

Anyway, Here is the Secret Find list for the 2013 FIND Grant application cycle. Proposed list and Prioritized list.
Let's start with the above secret list. Check out the numbers

FIND Proposed Project List 2013
Project.                                                                               Total Cost Estimate
Sisters ICW dock redesign                                                    $100,000
County Road Kayak Launch.                                                  $50,000
Alamacani Dock.                                                                  $633,810
Lighting at BR.                                                                     $244,200
Harborview Dredging.                                                           $200,000
Half Moon Island.                                                                 $700,000
Reed Island.                                                                        $100,000
Charles Reese Boat Ramp and Dock.                                     $75,000
Exchange Island Dock.                                                         $110,000
Geffen Riverwalk.                                                                $90,000
San Marco Lake.                                                                  $40,000
Continuation of Blue Cypress Boardwalk.                               $75,000

Now the Secret FIND Prioritized Project List 2013 which didn't have a noticed meeting.

Exchange Island Dock.                                                         $120,000
Sisters ICW dock redesign.                                                   $400,000
Ortega Channel Markings.                                                    $180,000
County Road Kayak Launch.                                                 $100,000
Geffen Riverwalk.                                                                $40,000
Northshore kayak launch w/ADA access.                               $100,000
Lighting at 4 Boat Ramps.                                                   $300,000
Reed Island.                                                                       $120,000
Harborview Dredging.                                                          $300,000
Continuation of Blue Cypress Boardwalk.                              $100,000
Atlantic Beach. 2 observation towers.                                    $213,000
Atlantic Beach design and permitting a walking path.             $160,000

Because of 2012-402 the entire Jacksonville city council will have an opportunity to offer input on this list.
Another meeting has yet to be announced. Scott Shine and Lane Burnett were not at the last meeting that was posted Wend. Afternoon before the Thanksgiving break and took place that Monday morning at 9:30 am
This is our ad valorem property tax revenue. So much more from this meeting.

Two days out from the possible passage by our 19 members of the Jacksonville city council on Resolution 2015-38 and our 2015 FIND (Florida Inland Navigation District) projects. 

Does anyone else feel sorry for the Baltimore guys 2014-412?
Will the new yet to be opened floating docks on the Southbank just be given to one vendor with a 10 year no compete clause? 2014-190
New docking Rules and Penalties 2014-305. New Rules for Uber and Lyft 2014-665
Unity Plaza- It's not just a retention pond.

Visit Jacksonville!
Vince Seibold- Environmental Ethics
The Real Florida!


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #415 on: February 08, 2015, 08:35:53 AM »
Should 2014-560 Our new CRA/DIA be sent to Waterways on 2/11/15 Given the Lori Boyer 2/3/15 Waterways amendment given at the Finance committee meeting?
Should 2014-560 be sent to Waterways on 2/11/15 Given that Aundra Wallace the CEO of the DIA is supposed to be there?
Should 2014-560 be sent to Waterways on 2/11/15 Given that the Water taxi fraud is on the agenda and was never before the DIA Board?
Should 2014-560 be sent to Waterways on 2/11/15 Given the legislative maneuvering of 2014-305 NEW DOCKING RULES and PENALTIES and the non vote by the DIA Board? Just ask Aundra Craig Gibbs about that one. You can't make this stuff up.
Should 2014-560 be sent to Waterways so that the St. Johns Riverkeeper, Lisa Rinaman can offer an amendment on commercial watercraft access to all these existing and NEW docks, piers, kayak launches in this according to a CRA consultant 4.8 mile rivers edge zone from the Fuller Warren Bridge to the Mathews Bridge?
Should 2014-560 be sent to Waterways on 2/11/15 to restore the PUBLIC TRUST for the citizens of Florida that want to promote, celebrate and access our St. Johns River an American Heritage River a FEDERAL Initiative in our new 2014-560 CRA/DIA zone?

We all want to say.

Visit Jacksonville!


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #416 on: March 06, 2015, 08:30:36 AM »
We have all given up asking you know who about you know what.
What will the DIA say about the Historic Promised 680' Public Pier?
Opened for all? Controled by One.
3/6/15 SPECIAL DIA BOARD MEETING on SHIPYARDS III and a NATIONAL DESIGNATION Presentation in less than an hour at 9am 1st floor city hall. open to the Public

A New Authority
Embrace It
It will Embrace Us


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #417 on: May 07, 2016, 06:53:15 AM »
Does anybody care?
13 days ago was the April 10, 2013 Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting.

So going from the minutes. At the March, 13, 2013 in attendance Council member Jim Love (Chair), Lori Boyer (Vice Chair), John Crescimbeni; Commissioners Gary Anderson, Ed Fleming, John Godfrey, Ralph Hodges, Ray Pringle, Scott Shine, Stephen Swann, Penny Thompson; Commissioner Lane Burnett, and state Rep Lake Ray were excused. Paige Johnston, OGC; Dr. White, JU; Capt. Jim Suber, Waterways Coordinator; Tera Meeks, Chief Waterfront Management Programming; James Richardson, Environmental Protection Board; Vince Seibold, Chief, Water Quality Division; Capt. mike Getchell, Jacksonville Marine Transportation Exchange; Lisa Rinaman, St. johns Riverkeeper; Geoffrey Sample, SJRWMD; Radha Pyati, UNF; Lt. Commander Robert Butts, USCG; Mike Hollingsworth, United States Army Corps of Engineers; Marilyn Allen, Legislative Asst. John J. Jackson, City Council Research Division

So to the agenda
I- Approval of minutes.
II- Presentation of St. johns River Innitiatives- Vince Seibold, Chief, Environmental Quality Division- FIRED the day before.
III- St. Johns River Status Report
      Water Quality & Manatee - Dr. White, Dr. Pinto, JU
IV- St. Johns River Issue Update- Lisa Rinaman, St. Johns Riverkeeper
V- Old Business, New Business
VI - Public Comment

During Public Comment made another donation to 2009-442. The Artificial Reef Trust Fund. 6 permitted reefs south of the Fuller Warren Bridge.
Mentioned the Jim Love, Kevin Kuzel Berkman Floating dock compromise Shipyards III that was misrepresented by OGC during the 2013 FIND grant application process.
I've given up on asking you know who about you know what.
Palms Fish Camp- Corruption
Seriously looking for any FBI guys or gals interested in a RICO paddle Downtown. Bonus if you have your fishing license. We'll take it under the brand new No Fishing signs that was never before Waterways.
Don Redman, Scott, Dave did we get any votes or honorable mentions for Palmer Terrace Park? How about a kayak logo at Sydney Gefen Park? Berkman Floating dock next to Shipyards?

Ben- JCCI- We need to kayak Downtown before 2025.

Sheclown, This thread had Vince on the agenda. Over the years the Department heads would be at all the meetings and not hiding up in offices watching on TV and then running down for crisis control. Vince was always there. The SJRWMD guy is always there even though he is not on the agenda. 

In 3 days 5/10/16 a full Jacksonville city council vote on 2016-305 the Shipyards Pier. Didn't have a clue about this. Did anyone know? And Waterways is the next day at 9:30 in council chambers. WOW!

Know Growth

  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #418 on: May 09, 2016, 10:09:02 PM »
May 2016 event does seem to be under the radar so to speak. Significant action??

Interesting to go back to MJ 2011 piece. I replied/regenerated this evening.


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #419 on: May 10, 2016, 12:08:16 PM »
Looks like they are renewing the TITF easement for the submerged lands around the Catherine Street pier.  It was likely set to expire.  No costs associated with this action.