
Should an amendment be attached to 2010-604 that would keep the 680' Public Pier separate from the 44 acres that was Shipyards/Landmar?

44 (91.7%)
4 (8.3%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Voting closed: August 11, 2010, 04:18:46 PM

Author Topic: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier  (Read 68549 times)


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #45 on: August 13, 2010, 08:00:17 AM »
What needs to be done?

I attended the Hob Nob, didn't see Gaffney but did have an opportunity to talk with council president Webb. I shared with him the frustration that I've been having for months with the issue of the Promised Public Pier. I told him that councilman Redman is my council representative and he told me that he is going to have a noticed meeting on this. He told me to get with Scott and Don and have them contact him to set it up.

The poll vote on Jaxoutloud to keep the 680' Promised Public Pier separate was

and with this forum there is obviously a clear mandate.

How should this proceed?

Captain Zissou

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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #46 on: August 13, 2010, 10:03:19 AM »
Why not just permanently require developers to leave the pier open to the public??  We could even require them to maintain it.  Can't we just write that into any sales contract?


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #47 on: August 13, 2010, 10:40:58 AM »
Why not just permanently require developers to leave the pier open to the public??  We could even require them to maintain it.  Can't we just write that into any sales contract?

The COJ isn't very good at writing contracts for itself and the taxpayers.  Example?  It would be easier to list the ones that were done well.  The list: ......thinking.......thinking......thinking.......   Well.... maybe not! :D


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #48 on: August 13, 2010, 12:26:06 PM »
Why not just permanently require developers to leave the pier open to the public??  We could even require them to maintain it.  Can't we just write that into any sales contract?

B/c a financially-strapped city that is looking to unload the property could just as easily bow to a potential developer that vows to walk away from the deal if this type of language is put in the contract.  This city doesnt have the best track record in that sense. 

Baptist wasn't going to let the city force them to maintain access to a fishing pier off the old Fuller Warren.  And we all know what happened there.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #49 on: August 14, 2010, 11:34:21 AM »
Why not just permanently require developers to leave the pier open to the public??  We could even require them to maintain it.  Can't we just write that into any sales contract?

Was just thinking.... a dangerous thing...

The CoJ has a contract with the Jags for 25% of the naming rights fee.  Like a developer walking in with promises of great things, the City Council backed down when "dazzled" with a real deal.  If a developer shows up for the Shipyards, they will likely back down again.  Political "promises, promises" mean little.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #50 on: August 14, 2010, 12:25:20 PM »
Assuming the property is divided, what's to stop the city from still including the pier in a deal if someone came along with cash to pay for necessary improvements?

north miami

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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #51 on: August 14, 2010, 12:52:30 PM »
Why not just permanently require developers to leave the pier open to the public??  We could even require them to maintain it.  Can't we just write that into any sales contract?

The COJ isn't very good at writing contracts for itself and the taxpayers.  Example?  It would be easier to list the ones that were done well.  The list: ......thinking.......thinking......thinking.......   Well.... maybe not! :D

Worth repeating,a call to action.
I have talked directly with Rick Mullaney about this-he blames the track record on City Council meddling.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2010, 01:51:59 PM by north miami »


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #52 on: August 14, 2010, 01:18:01 PM »
The point I am trying to make is that it should be a priority.  And nothing says priority than by parceling off the pier and access to the pier to ensure public access.  Forget turning an entire 44 acre waterfront site into a massive public park, the pier and entryway could be a park and part of the Jacksonville public park system(the envy of the nation right now)  

COJ has been considering implementing a small corporate sponsorship plan for various public parks whereas a private corporate donor would give money/time to maintain a paticular park it sponsors.  To my knowledge the main issue with this type of program being implemented is agreeing on what type of corporate signage would be permitted with such a program.

This public pier would be the ultimate test bed for such a program.  Why not have a partnership b/w UNF's construction school that currently has a program that retrofits shipping containers and Jaxport.  They could construct restroom facilities from shipping containers(The West end of the Northbank Riverwalk has such a facility, albeit not constructed from shipping containers), or construct the safety railing system around the pier.  

Jaxport and UNF signage could be displayed signifying their role in the project.  Say like a handsome granite stone at the entrance of the pier etched with Jaxport/UNF logos and a plaque detailing their involvement.

We are the self-dubbed 'logistics capital of the world', why not showcase this with such a public works project?
Maintaining a concrete pier isn't terribly hard and Jaxport/UNF could have a program like the roadway cleanup programs where say once a month volunteers could pressure wash the structure, etc.

Several municipalities have such programs.  Even the National Park Service has such programs.  Why not here?  Why not on this endeavour?  Are we not the 'Bold New City of the South'?  It's time we start acting like it.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #53 on: August 14, 2010, 01:54:07 PM »
^Good points and ideas, although our days as the "Bold New City of the South" (or anywhere else) are long gone.

north miami

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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #54 on: August 14, 2010, 01:59:09 PM »
Why 'forget' about a 44 acre public park,or darn neaer close to that acreage??

A large public park concept reflects the best of our experience and forward thinking.
The public would support the concept if only we somehow manage to not forget about it.

And I agree any concept should  flow from City Council,on the public stage.

Indeed the office of GC has produced a poor negotiation track record.Rick Mullaney blames this on meddling by the Council.Keep it all out front,up front.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #55 on: August 14, 2010, 02:14:24 PM »
Why 'forget' about a 44 acre public park,or darn neaer close to that acreage??

Well for one, its a very valuable piece of land that a cash-strapped city will soon own.  And secondly, there is already a 27 acre riverfront public park less than1/4 mile up the street from it.  A large empty space of land really isn't the best use of our resources, wouldn't you agree?

I would encourage you to start calling/emailing your council reps.  Obviously they are reading this, but not quite getting the message.

CS Foltz

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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #56 on: August 14, 2010, 03:47:04 PM »
From my viewpoint, Mr Gaffney and Company, must have something burning on the back burner and the Public Pier must be included or an amendment would have already put forth! My question has to be......why? When? I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop! Something is just not quite right here and I am starting to develope a bad feeling about this! I hope to heck........I am wrong!!

north miami

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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #57 on: August 14, 2010, 03:59:16 PM »
Why 'forget' about a 44 acre public park,or darn neaer close to that acreage??

Well for one, its a very valuable piece of land that a cash-strapped city will soon own.  And secondly, there is already a 27 acre riverfront public park less than1/4 mile up the street from it.  A large empty space of land really isn't the best use of our resources, wouldn't you agree?

I would encourage you to start calling/emailing your council reps.  Obviously they are reading this, but not quite getting the message.

Now in our 50's,my Jax native wife with deep roots in the community and I are becomming inclined to move away.For folk like us life is too short for endless unfounded anticipation.

CS Foltz

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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #58 on: August 14, 2010, 08:24:22 PM »
north miami............I can understand your frustration! Some of us have been trying for way too long!


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #59 on: August 14, 2010, 10:38:46 PM »
Assuming the property is divided, what's to stop the city from still including the pier in a deal if someone came along with cash to pay for necessary improvements?

absolutely nothing...in fact, I fully expect that the City will consider the riverfront to be public space....a riverwalk extension is the main reason the bulkhead reconstruction had to get done first.