
Should an amendment be attached to 2010-604 that would keep the 680' Public Pier separate from the 44 acres that was Shipyards/Landmar?

44 (91.7%)
4 (8.3%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Voting closed: August 11, 2010, 04:18:46 PM

Author Topic: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier  (Read 68707 times)


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #180 on: April 11, 2011, 08:11:03 PM »
I will try. I want that pier to be public and made available to small vendors, fisherman and boaters.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #181 on: April 11, 2011, 09:21:50 PM »
A small crowd would be huge. And I agree with you JeffreyS that this Public Promise of a Pier needs to happen now.

The residents of Berkman would be ecstatic if whoever shows up and Redman, Bishop, or Crescimbeni introduce legislation to make it happen. I hope everyone understands that the legislative process to move this forward can happen Wend.

First on the agenda is our own St. Johns Riverkeeper, Neil Armingeon and the topic is St. Johns River Issues update.

If someone could give a call into Neil or Jimmy and ask them if he could make it an issue then that would wrap it up. It can only help.

I realize that the water withdrawl from central Florida, and the Georgia Pacific pipeline have been big on the list too.

But if Neil could even offer one sentence that the pier needs to be separate and used now would be huge. He is first on the agenda and the fact that our Riverkeeper made it a RIVER issue gives credibility for everyone else that shows up and shares their opinion when Public comment comes around.

After Neil, next on the agenda is Moncrief Creek Dredging. There will be a representative from Northshore Neighborhood Assoc. What should be interesting is how this will be responded to by the commission members.

A thank you in advance to anyone who can make it.  I can't get it out of my mind that Field has someone that could do the survey for free that would save taxpayers money when the legislation is created. The pieces can come together.



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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #182 on: April 12, 2011, 06:31:39 AM »
City council meeting tonight. Will Redman or Gaffney do anything? For the residents of Springfield I'm still in absolute shock and disbelief that after 4 years and knowing there is another 4 years that he is getting an absolute total free pass on this issue. Same can be said for Redman.

This issue will escalate to a statewide JOKE. 
2010-675 look at the one amendment.
2010-856- A one mile ban of a vendor.
Palms Fish Camp-Huge red flag
Shipyards III about to happen again.
Waterways Wend.
St. Johns River Alliance Thurs.
FIND on Friday

Be concerned. Watch and see if anyone on our city council does anything.

The state of Florida is watching.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #183 on: April 12, 2011, 01:07:39 PM »
Less than 2 days before the Waterways Commission meeting... (9 am at City Hall on Wednesday, April 13th)

I know that Noone will be there.  Who else is coming?  This a lot easier than a cleanup effort at Hogans Creek and we had over a dozen for those.  A small crowd of support would be great.

Should we meet somewhere before to discuss strategy?

I think I can make it.  One of the last connections to our past...just one pier for the public. 


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #184 on: April 12, 2011, 01:16:01 PM »
I really tried to make efforts to be there tomorrow, but my schedule just will not permit it.

Why they never have Waterway meetings at a more reasonable hour for people to attend, I will never know.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #185 on: April 12, 2011, 01:38:53 PM »
is there a meetings scheduled after this?


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #186 on: April 19, 2011, 06:43:31 AM »
A small crowd would be huge. And I agree with you JeffreyS that this Public Promise of a Pier needs to happen now.

The residents of Berkman would be ecstatic if whoever shows up and Redman, Bishop, or Crescimbeni introduce legislation to make it happen. I hope everyone understands that the legislative process to move this forward can happen Wend.

First on the agenda is our own St. Johns Riverkeeper, Neil Armingeon and the topic is St. Johns River Issues update.

If someone could give a call into Neil or Jimmy and ask them if he could make it an issue then that would wrap it up. It can only help.

I realize that the water withdrawl from central Florida, and the Georgia Pacific pipeline have been big on the list too.

But if Neil could even offer one sentence that the pier needs to be separate and used now would be huge. He is first on the agenda and the fact that our Riverkeeper made it a RIVER issue gives credibility for everyone else that shows up and shares their opinion when Public comment comes around.

After Neil, next on the agenda is Moncrief Creek Dredging. There will be a representative from Northshore Neighborhood Assoc. What should be interesting is how this will be responded to by the commission members.

A thank you in advance to anyone who can make it.  I can't get it out of my mind that Field has someone that could do the survey for free that would save taxpayers money when the legislation is created. The pieces can come together.


Anyone going to the Civic Council presentation tonight at the Skyline Cafe?

Listen to the river component to the plan.

Will the Public Trust be restored? or will it be totally crushed and destroyed?


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #187 on: April 20, 2011, 04:59:00 AM »
There was a huge crowd at the Skyline Cafe listening to a recommendation that will if approved by the administration and current city council or the next city council and administration will take our community, our county, our city, our country, in a totally different direction.

There are a number of topics within the Jacksonville Civic Council recommendation of the creation of a DIA Downtown Improvement Authority but for me personally on this thread I don't won't to dilute it with other recommendations that were made.

I had the opportunity to ask a question about the Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier that is now one big parcel 2010-604 the former Shipyards/Landmar site. Basically I asked if the civic council at any time discussed or would consider keeping the pier outside of the control of the JEDC, DIA, so that it could open now and grow as an independent organic cluster.

The answer that I received and my interpretation is that NO. It will stay as one piece. If anyone else that was there and your interpretation is different please let me know. I was really trying to listen to the river component to the plan.

This was the ideal venue to ask the question.

I'm still very concerned and I will continue to tell everyone if you think for one second that we are getting more access and economic opportunity to our St. Johns River our American Heritage River we will be getting less.


The DIA and the created board will call the shots. Will everyone be given an equal opportunity to participate as it relates to the river Downtown? I say NO.

Councilman Redman Dist 4, Councilman Gaffney Dist.7, Councilman Jones Dist 9, you represent Downtown do something NOW legislatively for the collective constituents in your districts before the power is taken away from you.




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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #188 on: May 24, 2011, 06:58:16 AM »
Congratulations to Mayor elect Alvin Brown.

City council meeting tonight. I'll be making a plea again that the Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier be separate from the other 44 acres that was Shipyards/Landmar. The Public Trust just totally destroyed in this community.

DIA, DDA, DEA, I hope its DOA. I've got some huge concerns. Look at the above thread. 30 days later and some of you that are members of this forum were there when I asked the question about the pier. After further research and discussion with the power brokers that will orchestrate this total Government takeover should be having some of you saying "Not so fast Jack".

Should the pier be outside the control of a DIA, DDA, DEA? I'd say yes. And watch it be wildly successful.


north miami

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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #189 on: May 24, 2011, 11:00:22 AM »
Congratulations to Mayor elect Alvin Brown.

City council meeting tonight. I'll be making a plea again that the Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier be separate from the other 44 acres that was Shipyards/Landmar. The Public Trust just totally destroyed in this community.

DIA, DDA, DEA, I hope its DOA. I've got some huge concerns. Look at the above thread. 30 days later and some of you that are members of this forum were there when I asked the question about the pier. After further research and discussion with the power brokers that will orchestrate this total Government takeover should be having some of you saying "Not so fast Jack".

Should the pier be outside the control of a DIA, DDA, DEA? I'd say yes. And watch it be wildly successful.


Noone-my guess is engage directly with Transform Jacksonsonville on this.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #190 on: May 24, 2011, 11:11:43 AM »
I would say they should be involved in making it available to small vendors, Fishing Boats and a small boat launch.  Empower that area with a public multi use pier.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #191 on: June 12, 2011, 06:48:53 AM »
Congratulations to Mayor elect Alvin Brown.

City council meeting tonight. I'll be making a plea again that the Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier be separate from the other 44 acres that was Shipyards/Landmar. The Public Trust just totally destroyed in this community.

DIA, DDA, DEA, I hope its DOA. I've got some huge concerns. Look at the above thread. 30 days later and some of you that are members of this forum were there when I asked the question about the pier. After further research and discussion with the power brokers that will orchestrate this total Government takeover should be having some of you saying "Not so fast Jack".

Should the pier be outside the control of a DIA, DDA, DEA? I'd say yes. And watch it be wildly successful.


Noone-my guess is engage directly with Transform Jacksonsonville on this.

Transform Jacksonville-Where are you on this one?

That's right- You need to be a 501-C

In two days just saw this one. 2010-364 the RAM (Riverside Arts Market) will be given an option on 3 -10 year leases for a buck a year. Sign me up. New floating dock. Was this before Waterways?

Its ready for council and Oh by the way there is a Waterways Commission meeting the next day in council chambers that will be taking up another piece of legislation that was cherry picked 2010-239. The Public Trust has just been totally destroyed in this community.

See in the Times Union Money section Paul Anderson? I like Paul Anderson. He's traveling the world. Redman, Do something! I'll be traveling the state. Don't Visit Jacksonville! If you do then allow me to show you the Corruption District.

CityLife on another thread you talk about Shad and the money for the soccer field. How about the recent Jim Piggott with our own WJXT and not being allowed in to see the potential $300,000 damage to the fire station at Kids Campus. Its taxpayer dollars and you should be outraged. Transform Jax should immediately demand that you be allowed to see what the heck the problem is and every Historical Society needs to immediately go with a representative and if its shown that its only $50,000 in repairs and someone is just inflating the numbers then you know what.

There is your $250,000 dollar seed money for Klutho Park. Are you going to do anything? Are you at least going to try? City council meeting in two days. There is an opportunity for Public comment.
Just ask. I'll support you 100%

Palms Creek Fish Camp! Palms Creek Fish Camp! Palms Creek Fish Camp!

But back to the pier. Former city council woman Suzanne Jenkins introduced 2005-207 and the city of Jacksonville and the community that she represented will be for ever grateful.

Current Jacksonville city councilman Don Redman is in a legislative position to do something. The Public Trust Doctrine. The pier has high Public Value and as such needs to be legislatively recognized.

Right now he can Make it happen.

north miami

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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #192 on: June 12, 2011, 11:06:08 PM »

"Public Pier" outcome will be propelled by forces far beyond one individual or one Internet Forum.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #193 on: June 13, 2011, 09:51:24 AM »
I just don't see how you can spend half your time online talking about government 'waste', and ridiculing any idea that involves taxmoney, and the other half of your time begging for everyone to support using tax dollars for recreation on the project that you personally like.

Don't you see a basic conflict in the two Noones?

Noone who claims we are completely out of money,.....meet Noone who says we can afford 250 thousand on recreational facilities.

discuss amongst yourselves.

I could sworn Noone is the living Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.



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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #194 on: June 14, 2011, 06:16:33 AM »
In less than 12 hours a vote on 2011-364. RAM a 10 year lease for the city for a buck a year. New floating dock. Not before Waterways. Why? Mr. Hyde

Palms Creek Fish Camp? Palms Creek Fish Camp! Almost 10 years of history. Boat ramp, Preservation Park, City just pulled the plug on the owner. Who and Why? Lawsuit and payout for the rest. owner who never opened up his doors? Dr. Jekyll

Waterways meeting tomorrow and the release of the newest JCCI study, Recession, Recovery and Beyond.

Shipyards/Landmar the pier can still be legislatively protected. The Public Trust Doctrine. 2010-604
How many council members at the political Hobnob back in November at the Hyatt said that it could happen. The Public Trust just totally crushed in this community.

No. I'm not asking for Public money.