
Should an amendment be attached to 2010-604 that would keep the 680' Public Pier separate from the 44 acres that was Shipyards/Landmar?

44 (91.7%)
4 (8.3%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Voting closed: August 11, 2010, 04:18:46 PM

Author Topic: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier  (Read 68547 times)


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #360 on: October 12, 2012, 01:52:59 PM »
^ Is there an event for the river that Mayor Brown will be attending?

 If so, when will it be? And what are the details?


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #361 on: November 13, 2012, 11:29:21 AM »
Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting in less than 24 hours. 9:30 am council chambers. Has anyone seen an agenda?  Anyone going?


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #362 on: November 17, 2012, 05:15:55 AM »
The November 14, 2012 Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting will soon have Tony Allegretti who has been asked to have a presentation for the next DIA Board meeting on the branding for our city will have playing softly in the background the song "You are my SUNSHINE, My only SUNSHINE" We are so Lost and need to FIND FIND in the Sunshine in Jacksonville.
The total crushing of the Public Trust continues to happen in this community.

What we all have to remember is FIND is good. Jacksonville is LOST.

Going from the Oct. 10, 2012 minutes in attendance: Councilmembers Jim Love ( Chair), Lori Boyer (Vice Chair), John Crescimbeni; Commissioners Gary Anderson, Lane Burnett, Ed Fleming, John Godfrey, Ralph Hodges, Raymond Pringle, Scott Shine, Stephen Swann, Penny Thompson; State Representative Lake Ray was excused; OGC Kristina Nelson (Who announced that it was her last meeting, Hey Greg Radlinski-Want to come back?), Dr Quinton White, Dr Gerry Pinto, JU, Capt. Jim Suber Waterways Coordinator,Jessica Stephens, Legislative Assistant, Dave Roman, Mayor's Office; Vince Seibold, Chief, Environmental Quality Division; Geoff Sample, SJRWMD, Capt. Mike Getchell, Jacksonville Marine Transportation Exchange; Craig Van Brocklin, John Nooney, Recreational Fishing Alliance; Ron Littlepage, FTU; Bill Parker, Charles Wingfield; ECA Kevin Kuzel (Love), John J. Jackson, Council Research Division.

One of the highlights on the agenda and a presentation by Janie Thomas, Executive Director, Shrimp Producers Association was the reopening of Oyster and Clam Beds in Duval county.

 Another item on the agenda was by Athena T Mann, VP Environmental Services, JEA

Also on the agenda was the St. Johns Riverkeeper. I asked about the letter of support on the Shipyards III pier as we were walking in together so that I can take it to the city council and now our DIA. It's coming.

It was a long meeting and I left at one point to go out and extend my time in the meter because the last time I was Downtown I got a $15 parking ticket. 2012-674 is the parking legislation that may soon prohibit me from doing that. Extending my time.

Anyway I'm getting my Public Comment card prepared and Tom Ingram who was instrumental in last years PUBLIC FIND grant application cycle appears and sits a few seats away. Dave Roman and Tom exit the back briefly and come back and Tom leaves the meeting.

Noticeably absent from the meeting again is Tera Meeks who is the Chief of all our Preservation Park Lands, Kelley Boree who is in charge of our Parks. And Jody McDaniel who is our FIND person. Now mind you the Commissioners of FIND are meeting in Jacksonville in two days. Mind you. Every meeting there is a FIND update on the table for the commissioners and the Public. So at the end of the meeting during Public Comments about 2  1/2 hours later I ask what happened to the FIND update and then all of a sudden OH! HERE IT IS. Was there a PUBLIC meeting like last year on this? Total destruction of the PUBLIC TRUST. This is our ad valorem property tax revenue. Who should be fired for circumventing this process? Governor Scott, Can't wait to hear what you have to say about this. It's not your fault. I have that letter where we talked about the Historic Promised 680 ' Downtown Public Pier Shipyards III.

The FIND project list has 12 projects.
Sisters ICW dock redesign
County Road Kayak Launch
Alamacani dock
Lighting at BR
Harborview Dredging
Half Moon Island
Reed Island
Charles Reese BR dock
Exchange Island Dock
geffen Riverwalk kayak launch and piling removal
San Marco Lake kayak access point and parking plan
Continuation of Blue Cypress boardwalk

After the meeting the council members that I talked with as well as some of the Jacksonville Waterways Commission members were totally clueless to this list. HOW WRONG!

I went to the Board meeting of our new DIA and showed them the secret list. This is not good.

Yesterday, I went to the meeting of the Commissioner of the Florida Inland Navigation District and showed them our secret list. The problem is not the commissioners of FIND.

I can't wait for the next Board meeting of our DIA and the branding for our city.

Visit Jacksonville- If you can FIND us.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 02:02:15 AM by Noone »


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #363 on: November 18, 2012, 03:45:53 AM »
I guess John Nooney is a prophet, of sorts.

per a spokesperson with FDOT,

tying Met park to the Northbank Riverwalk and the Main St. bridge, via the grassy openness between the River and Maxwell house IS on the agenda.
More to come for the former JEA Southside generating "brown field" following the full interchange at I95 and Atlantic, which will ultimately spruce up the visual sightlines of the OSteen Volvo dealership with ponds and fountains on each side.

Still wish that pesky Ramp Q alignment would allow for a full intersection at Mitchell for the sake of direct access to the Square.

The pier is still there, DO NOT GIVE UP!
So that we may ALL understand you, Sir Noone.
Break it down, and give us an idea what we are arguing FOR during our scant few minutes in front of the mic at the podium in council chambers.

For those among us who clam up when we hear our voice amplified, paraphrase, but ONLY AFTER you have broken apart the argument and made the case clear and stated succinctly.
So we may all perhaps show up with butts in seats and actually care and UNDERSTAND that you are not a babbler.


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #364 on: November 26, 2012, 07:50:21 AM »
2012-402- Let's go city council members.
let's go Mayor Brown.
Today in less than 3 hours a Jacksonville Waterways Committee meeting on the Secret FIND list that was kept from the full meeting of the Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting 11/14/12.
Will anyone from the DIA be there?
Anyone from the media?
The complete and total crushing of the Public Trust.
It's just a list.
Will the Historic Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier (Shipyards III) be put on the 2013 FIND grant application list?
This is a now a DIA/ CRA issue in the USA.


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #365 on: December 10, 2012, 06:38:20 AM »
2 days out from Massive disclosures of projects and intentions that are on the agenda for the the next Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting. Anyone going? Secret FIND list is on the agenda for Duval county. 2012-402.

Still waiting on a letter of support from the administration on the Historic Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier. Shipyards III

Anyone want to kayak and fish Downtown under the brand new No Fishing signs that was never before Waterways?
Special shout out to any elected official outside of Duval county.
Any media.
2025 is 2012


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #366 on: December 17, 2012, 02:48:52 AM »
The November 14, 2012 Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting will soon have Tony Allegretti who has been asked to have a presentation for the next DIA Board meeting on the branding for our city will have playing softly in the background the song "You are my SUNSHINE, My only SUNSHINE" We are so Lost and need to FIND FIND in the Sunshine in Jacksonville.
The total crushing of the Public Trust continues to happen in this community.

What we all have to remember is FIND is good. Jacksonville is LOST.

Going from the Oct. 10, 2012 minutes in attendance: Councilmembers Jim Love ( Chair), Lori Boyer (Vice Chair), John Crescimbeni; Commissioners Gary Anderson, Lane Burnett, Ed Fleming, John Godfrey, Ralph Hodges, Raymond Pringle, Scott Shine, Stephen Swann, Penny Thompson; State Representative Lake Ray was excused; OGC Kristina Nelson (Who announced that it was her last meeting, Hey Greg Radlinski-Want to come back?), Dr Quinton White, Dr Gerry Pinto, JU, Capt. Jim Suber Waterways Coordinator,Jessica Stephens, Legislative Assistant, Dave Roman, Mayor's Office; Vince Seibold, Chief, Environmental Quality Division; Geoff Sample, SJRWMD, Capt. Mike Getchell, Jacksonville Marine Transportation Exchange; Craig Van Brocklin, John Nooney, Recreational Fishing Alliance; Ron Littlepage, FTU; Bill Parker, Charles Wingfield; ECA Kevin Kuzel (Love), John J. Jackson, Council Research Division.

One of the highlights on the agenda and a presentation by Janie Thomas, Executive Director, Shrimp Producers Association was the reopening of Oyster and Clam Beds in Duval county.

 Another item on the agenda was by Athena T Mann, VP Environmental Services, JEA

Also on the agenda was the St. Johns Riverkeeper. I asked about the letter of support on the Shipyards III pier as we were walking in together so that I can take it to the city council and now our DIA. It's coming.

It was a long meeting and I left at one point to go out and extend my time in the meter because the last time I was Downtown I got a $15 parking ticket. 2012-674 is the parking legislation that may soon prohibit me from doing that. Extending my time.

Anyway I'm getting my Public Comment card prepared and Tom Ingram who was instrumental in last years PUBLIC FIND grant application cycle appears and sits a few seats away. Dave Roman and Tom exit the back briefly and come back and Tom leaves the meeting.

Noticeably absent from the meeting again is Tera Meeks who is the Chief of all our Preservation Park Lands, Kelley Boree who is in charge of our Parks. And Jody McDaniel who is our FIND person. Now mind you the Commissioners of FIND are meeting in Jacksonville in two days. Mind you. Every meeting there is a FIND update on the table for the commissioners and the Public. So at the end of the meeting during Public Comments about 2  1/2 hours later I ask what happened to the FIND update and then all of a sudden OH! HERE IT IS. Was there a PUBLIC meeting like last year on this? Total destruction of the PUBLIC TRUST. This is our ad valorem property tax revenue. Who should be fired for circumventing this process? Governor Scott, Can't wait to hear what you have to say about this. It's not your fault. I have that letter where we talked about the Historic Promised 680 ' Downtown Public Pier Shipyards III.

The FIND project list has 12 projects.
Sisters ICW dock redesign
County Road Kayak Launch
Alamacani dock
Lighting at BR
Harborview Dredging
Half Moon Island
Reed Island
Charles Reese BR dock
Exchange Island Dock
geffen Riverwalk kayak launch and piling removal
San Marco Lake kayak access point and parking plan
Continuation of Blue Cypress boardwalk

After the meeting the council members that I talked with as well as some of the Jacksonville Waterways Commission members were totally clueless to this list. HOW WRONG!

I went to the Board meeting of our new DIA and showed them the secret list. This is not good.

Yesterday, I went to the meeting of the Commissioner of the Florida Inland Navigation District and showed them our secret list. The problem is not the commissioners of FIND.

I can't wait for the next Board meeting of our DIA and the branding for our city.

Visit Jacksonville- If you can FIND us.

FLORIDA- The SUNSHINE state. Yeah Right! Jacksonville didn't get the memo.

We are so LOST.

Going from the November 14, 2012 Jacksonville Commission meeting minutes in attendance: Council members Jim Love (Chair), Lori Boyer(Vice Chair), John Crescimbeni; Commissioners Gary Anderson, Ed Fleming, John Godfrey,Ralph Hodges, Ray Pringle, State Representative Lake Ray, Scott Shine, Stephen Swann, Penny Thompson; Lane Burnett was excused; OGC Kristina Nelson, Paige Johnston; Dr. White,Dr. Pinto, JU; Capt Jim Suber Waterways Coordinator; Jessica Stephens, Legislative Assistant; SJRK Lisa Rinaman; Dave Roman, Mayor's office; Vince Seibold, Division Chief, Environmental Quality Division Neighborhoods Dept; John Flowe, Environmental Quality Division, Janie Thompson, Executive Director, ShrimpProducers Association;James Richardson, Environmental Protection; Capt Mike Getchell, Jacksonville Marine Transportation Exchange; Capt. Roger Bump, John Nooney, Recreational Fishing Alliance; Bill Parker, Geoff Sample, SJRWMD; Attorney, Tom Ingram; Joe Wilhelm, Daily Record; John J. Jackson, Council Research Division.

First on the agenda was
City of Atlantic Beach- ICW Preserves Master Plan by Rick Carper, Atlantic Beach Public works.

Second was
Update on FIND Operations and Outlook by Mark Crosley, Asst. Executive Director, Florida Inland Navigation District.

Third was
FIND Subcommittee Update by Commissioner Gary Anderson

Fourth was
St. Johns River Status Report Water Quality and Manatee by Dr. White, Dr. Pinto, with JU

Fith was
St. Johns River Issue Update by Lisa Rinaman, St. Johns Riverkeeper

Still waiting on a letter of support from the Administration RK on the Historic Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier (Shipyards III).

Anyway, Here is the Secret Find list for the 2013 FIND Grant application cycle. Proposed list and Prioritized list.
Let's start with the above secret list. Check out the numbers

FIND Proposed Project List 2013
Project.                                                                               Total Cost Estimate
Sisters ICW dock redesign                                                    $100,000
County Road Kayak Launch.                                                  $50,000
Alamacani Dock.                                                                  $633,810
Lighting at BR.                                                                     $244,200
Harborview Dredging.                                                           $200,000
Half Moon Island.                                                                 $700,000
Reed Island.                                                                        $100,000
Charles Reese Boat Ramp and Dock.                                     $75,000
Exchange Island Dock.                                                         $110,000
Geffen Riverwalk.                                                                $90,000
San Marco Lake.                                                                  $40,000
Continuation of Blue Cypress Boardwalk.                               $75,000

Now the Secret FIND Prioritized Project List 2013 which didn't have a noticed meeting.

Exchange Island Dock.                                                         $120,000
Sisters ICW dock redesign.                                                   $400,000
Ortega Channel Markings.                                                    $180,000
County Road Kayak Launch.                                                 $100,000
Geffen Riverwalk.                                                                $40,000
Northshore kayak launch w/ADA access.                               $100,000
Lighting at 4 Boat Ramps.                                                   $300,000
Reed Island.                                                                       $120,000
Harborview Dredging.                                                          $300,000
Continuation of Blue Cypress Boardwalk.                              $100,000
Atlantic Beach. 2 observation towers.                                    $213,000
Atlantic Beach design and permitting a walking path.             $160,000

Because of 2012-402 the entire Jacksonville city council will have an opportunity to offer input on this list.
Another meeting has yet to be announced. Scott Shine and Lane Burnett were not at the last meeting that was posted Wend. Afternoon before the Thanksgiving break and took place that Monday morning at 9:30 am
This is our ad valorem property tax revenue. So much more from this meeting.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 02:10:59 AM by Noone »


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #367 on: December 17, 2012, 09:25:51 AM »
What's the Exchange Club Island dock all about?

Seems the Geffen Riverwalk project is down considerably from it's first design/cost estimate (which was unrealistic to begin with). 


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #368 on: January 06, 2013, 07:42:47 PM »
HUGE Jacksonville Waterways Subcommittee meeting tomorrow on the 2013 FIND grant application projects. 4Th floor city Hall at 10am. Open to the Public.


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #369 on: January 07, 2013, 08:17:54 AM »
Two hours out.

Just got the agenda for the Jan. 9 2013 Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting. First on the agenda.


Governor Scott.
Commissioners of FIND.
Members of the Jacksonville city council.
DIA Board members.
Mayor Brown.
Regional Partners.

The Historic Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier aka Bay St. Pier Park can still be put on the 2013 Jacksonville Waterways Commission subcommittee FIND list. Anyone going?


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #370 on: January 16, 2013, 03:05:51 AM »
We are so LOST.
Governor Scott, Pam Bondi, Angela Corey, help us to FIND FIND in Jacksonville in the Sunshine.
There were 3 key meetings last week.
Jan. 7 Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) Subcommittee meeting 4Th floor Rm A
Jan. 8 Jacksonville city council meeting Public Hearing 2012-728 Walter Jones (Waive sealed Bid 10 years)  Next to FIND project.
Jan. 9 Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting.

So let's start with the Jan.7 2013 FIND grant subcommittee meeting and going from the minutes in attendance Commissioners Gary Anderson, Chair, Ralph Hodges, Lane Burnett, Scott Shine; Council members Jim Love, Lori Boyer; Waterways Coordinator Capt. Jim Suber, OGC, Paige Johnston; Aaron Bowman, FIND Commissioner; Gary Kresel, Jody McDaniel, Planning Dept; Tera Meeks, Chief, Waterfront Management Programming; James Richardson, Environmental Protection Board;Dave Roman, Mayors Office; Atty, Tom Ingram; Stephen C. Davis, Jacksonville University; Capt. Vic Tison, Capt. Roger Bump, John Nooney, Recreational Fishing Alliance; Joe Wilhelm, Financial News and Daily Record; Kevin Kuzel, ECA (Love); Marilyn Allen, Legislative Assistant; John J. Jackson, Council Research Division.

David Bauerlien with the TU is listed but I didn't see him there. And Kelley Boree is not listed but was there for part of the meeting.

Tom Ingram was very active throughout the meeting and also contributed very detailed analysis for the full Waterways Commission meeting two days later.

I just want to share these observations and as a community when it gets submitted to the Full city council 2012-402 that specifics are provided and not vague generalities.

There are some items that I want to share with you. Capt. Roger Bump with the Recreational Fishing Alliance brought this up. How many design firms do we have? How many bids will we be receiving on a project? For example County Dock. On the first list given to Commission members total COJ cost is $50,000. 30 days later the cost is $100,000. How does a project jump $50,000 in 30 days? Who is the company? I know this sounds like it has Dist. 4 written all over IT. How many bids will we have Jan. 28?  The next day at city council is 2012-728. What timing!

But moving on. This should be a massive RED FLAG. We now have our Prioritized List and a category has project suggested by and the whole sheet primarily has PUBLIC. Well this is our Public ad valorem property taxes. When I mentioned this Tera Meeks mentions that it may be more than one group. So what! List the sponsor and council person if applicable. I've been going to these FIND meetings and that's all I've heard and here we aren't doing it.

So anyway we are going down the list and project 11 has Council/Public the Commissioners note and recognize and say that it's Crescimbeni and they vote and approve it 4-0. God Bless Crescimbeni. This is how it should be. Enough of this behind the scenes stuff. There is no guarantee that this project will make the cut but this goes to the spirit of the process.

Somebody, anybody, ask about the status of the Pottsberg Creek dredge. we left $500,000 on the table last year. 2012-402.

This meeting also allowed for the inclusion of projects not on the list. Tom Ingram was up first or I should say he started the conversation and everyone was listening. I had eye contact with some commission members while Tom is explaining his additions  it was a very positive reflection of facial expressions that my opportunity would be forthcoming.

I spoke about a pocket Pier/Floating dock next to the riverwalk at the new connection of Bay St.

When the opportunity presented itself Jim Love who is the Chair of Waterways and his assistant Kevin Kuzel after doing a site inspection of the former SHIPYARDS/LANDMAR pier had a fantastic compromise on this potential FIND project. Jim left and Kevin with his support after bringing our recommendation to the Chair of the subcommittee Gary Anderson rejected it and it received a 0-4 vote.

But just so you all know. Two days later and now Jim Love who is the Chair of Waterways and with support from fellow Commissioner Ralph Hodges have put it back on the list. This is our legislative process. It may not make it for this year but it could make it for next year. More importantly Councilman Love has directed Jody McDaniel to get a price for a Pocket Pier/Floating Dock at this location. Jody is now getting prices for all the other projects so the entire Commission can have numbers to make a better list. Everything seems to be nothing but WAGS at this point.

I hope that separate quotes are given for the piling removal at Geffen and County Dock. A number of Commissioners are looking into that request and have contacted Jody McDaniel about that. look for this important piece of information Jan. 28

In the meantime who wants to kayak out of Palmer Terrace Park Dist. 4 that doesn't have a Mayor Brown Kayak logo?

I am Downtown and why you aren't.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 03:58:30 AM by Noone »


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #371 on: January 18, 2013, 03:49:59 AM »
LOST we are.
Governor Scott, Pam Bondi, Angela Corey, help us FIND FIND in Jacksonville.
The start of the 1/9/13 Jacksonville Waterways Commission had the start and feel of a lawyer convention instead of a Waterways Commission meeting.

Going straight from the Dec. 12, 2012 meeting minutes in attendance  Council members Jim Love (Chair), Lori Boyer ( Vice Chair), John Crecimbeni; Commissioners Gary Anderson, Lane Burnett, Ed Fleming, John Godfrey, Ralph Hodges, Scott Shine, Stephen Swann, Penny Thompson, Commissioner Ray Pringle and state Representative Lake Ray were excused; OGC Paige Johnston; Dr Quinton White, Dr Gerard Pinto, Jacksonville University; Capt. Jim Suber, Waterways Coordinator; Legislative Asst. Marilyn Allen; Dave Roman, Mayors office; Tera Meeks, Chief Waterfront Management Planning; Geoff Sample, STRWMD; James Richardson, Environmental Protection Board; Vince Seibold, Chief, Environmental Quality Division; Attorney, Tom Ingram; Ron Littlepage, Florida Times Union; Kevin Kuzel, ECA; Craig Van Brocklin, John Nooney, Recreational Fishing Alliance; Capt. bill Parker; John J. Jackson, Council Research Division.

First up was a Sunshine Presentation by Jason Gabriel, General Counsels Office and Carla Miller, Office of Ethics.

I keep thinking about Palms Fish Camp and who should be getting fired for that disaster but instead did people just get promoted?
And this is next to a FIND project. So with corruption on everyone's mind it was a perfect time for a FIND subcommittee update that was next on the agenda and let's not forget that last year with Don Redman who was Chair of Waterways that we left $500,000 of our ad valorem property tax money on the table and we now have 2012-402 which will now bring to light (sunshine) the projects that will be brought to the Commissioners of FIND. Gary Anderson was the Chair of the FIND subcommittee last year so Let's have him as the Chair again this year. Makes all the sense in the world.

At the 1/16/13 DIA/CRA in the USA during the workshop the entire DIA Board members and participants that were there are now aware of the frustrations with FIND especially as we attempt to ENCOURAGE everyone to participate Downtown on our St. Johns River our American Heritage River a Federal Initiative. I digress.

So the 2013 FIND grant application projects have been put on hold until Jan. 28 because we don't have any idea of what some of these projects will cost. So Jody McDaniel will be getting prices for some of these projects that are even carry overs from last year.

My hat is off to the current Chair of Waterways Jim Love. At the 1/7/13 FIND subcommittee meeting then acting Chair Gary Anderson when suggestions from the Public had an opportunity to make the FIND list was up for discussion and debate. Gary shot down our suggestion of a floating dock pocket pier next to the Historic Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier. This compromise and suggestion was forwarded by Kevin Kuzel and Councilman Love.

Pam Bondi, Can we reopen the grand Jury Investigation into SHIPYARDS? I'm serious. The Public Trust has just been destroyed in this community.

So now Chairman Love on a supported recommendation of fellow Commissioner Ralph Hodges have put the Floating Dock next to the Pier back on the list and have directed Jody McDaniel to get a Price. This may or may not make the FIND list. This is exciting news and I'll be sharing it with the Commissioners of FIND and it's something that the administration should be doing high fives as well.

Next on the agenda was a St. Johns River status report Water Quality & Manatee update. What was exciting to hear is that the Coast Guard in working with Dr. Pinto and Dr. White may be supplementing the Ariel manatee monitoring using Coast Guard helicopters. Very cool.

Next on the agenda St. Johns River Issue update. Lisa Rinaman, St. Johns Riverkeeper was a No Show. I don't even recall any reason given and if it was even mentioned. For the record still waiting on a letter of you know what?

There was one piece of legislation Ord. 2013-13 Appropriating $287,000 grant funds from the SJRWMD for Lincoln Villas Septic Tank Phase out. $12,000,000 was the original Grant amount in 2007.

So who wants to launch from Palmer Terrace Park in Dist. 4 that needs a kayak logo and we'll then fish under the brand new No Fishing signs that was never before Waterways.

I am Downtown and why you aren't.


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #372 on: February 13, 2013, 05:57:29 AM »
3 hours out. The Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting is at 8 am to finish up on the 2013 FIND grant application cycle list so that it can be presented and voted on by the full Jacksonville city council. Special concern and reconsideration needs to be given to the brilliant Jim Love, Kevin Kuzel floating dock Riverwalk compromise next to Shipyards/Landmar III which was totally misrepresented by the OGC to the JWC members.

Be concerned. This is our ad valorem property tax revenue. The state of Florida is watching. Palms Fish Camp- A funding source?


  • Guest
Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #373 on: February 15, 2013, 03:35:49 AM »
The 2/13/13 meeting of the Jacksonville Waterways Commission was a marathon meeting of epoch proportions that had sparks flying everywhere in persuing FIND. Most participants were hoping for one. For a process that involves our ad valorem property taxes that we all participate in you have to just be in shock that nobody shows up for this. We are LOST.

There was a special meeting of the Jacksonville Waterways Commission 1/28/13 to compile a list for the 2013 FIND grant application cycle that will be approved by the administration and city council. So going from the minutes in attendance Council member Jim Love (Chair), Lori Boyer (Vice Chair), John Crescimbeni; Commissioners Gary Anderson, Lane Burnett, Ed Fleming, John Godfrey, Ray Pringle, Scott Shine, Stephen Swann; State Representative Lake Ray, and Commissioners Ralph Hodges and Penny Thompson were excused;Capt. Jim Suber; Paige Johnston OGC; Kelley Boree, Director, Parks and Recreation Dept; Tera Meeks, Chief, Waterfront Management Programming; Gary Kresel, Jody McDaniel, Planning& Development Dept; James Richardson, Environmental Protection Board; Connie Benham; Larry Solomon, CPAC #5; Attorney Kristina Nelson; Attorney Tom Ingram; John Nooney, Recreational Fishing Alliance;David Hahn, Public Works Dept; Matt Brockelman; Joe Wilhelm, Financial News & Dailey Record; Marilyn Allen, Legislative Assistant; John J. Jackson, Council Research Division.

So the 2/13/13  full meeting of the Jacksonville Waterways Commission started at 8am and went right to the agenda and saved the FIND list for later.

Two pieces of legislation. 2013-51 $100,000 for an artificial reef. No discussion. Passed 9-0
2013-105 A resolution from the Administration and it was deferred.

Public comment was also quick and I presented a check on behalf of the Recreational Fishing Alliance to 2009 -442 the artificial reef trust fund. Once the FIND work is done lets not forget that there are 6 artificial reefs that can move forward in the river south of the Fuller Warren. I also shared with Waterways that a Potential Funding source should be the open law suit with Palms Fish Camp that is next to a FIND project. Cha Ching!

The FIND project list that was started at the 1/28/13 meeting was continued from the beginning. This was over a 5 hour meeting.
Again, I have to give props to councilman Love for a very well run meeting that allowed everyone the opportunity to participate and not just during the Public comment period. And this was for everyone during the FIND grant application process. No complaints here.

I just want to share with you my concerns and it goes back to the 1/28/13 meeting and in my opinion is the misrepresentation by OGC on the Jim Love, Kevin Kuzel kayak floating dock compromise NEXT to the Shipyards pier. Kristina Nelson who is no longer with OGC Office of General Council was now being paid to be at this meeting and render an opinion on Shipyards. There is CONTAMINATION at the Shipyards. The Love compromise has nothing to do with Shipyards.

So now at the 2/13/13 meeting we are going over the projects again and the Love,Kuzel floating dock compromise comes up again and there is now another round of excellent discussion and Paige Johnston with OGC is now fielding the questions. Catherine St. Is now listed between Shipyards and Berkman. I never noticed it until it was pointed out at the meeting. Also and this is funny. I think so. Isn't this what's going on at the Park View (contamination) So we originally have Shipyards, give the guys $36,500,000 and tell them to go for it. Was there contamination then? There out and we bring in Landmar and they put in the bulkhead. 1000's of feet of Bulkhead. Did they stir up any contamination?

We are talking about a 20 maybe 30' floating dock NEXT to Shipyards. The Love, Kuzel Compromise is brilliant. Council members Boyer and Crescimbeni asked some great questions and councilwoman Boyer is now checking in to see if this is indeed a waterfront Public Access street end and wants to know. Ben Warner, DIA, Mayor Brown, People of Jacksonville, cross your fingers.

This is just a sampling of the dialogue and discussion that was occurring. I also mentioned Palmer Terrace Park Dist. 4 that needs a Mayor Brown Kayak logo. Dave Roman and Kelley Boree were not at the meeting. But Don Redman supports the kayak logo at Palmer Terrace Park. Just need to make it happen.

Tom Ingram was there and I hope he shares some of the actions that were taken. There is a lot more. County Dock?

So in the meantime who wants to put in at Palmer Terrace Park that doesn't have a Mayor Brown kayak logo and we'll take it over and fish under the brand new No Fishing signs that was never before Waterways.

I am Downtown and why you aren't

« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 03:40:56 AM by Noone »


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #374 on: March 13, 2013, 12:54:40 AM »
9 hours out. On the agenda will be the Southbank Riverwalk. There just has to be major announcements coming from the administration as it relates to Public Access and economic opportunity within this new DIA zone.