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News / Re: Facebook's Left-Leaning Bias
« Last post by Adam White on May 13, 2016, 08:25:16 AM »

Such whiny babies.  If you don't include their most crazy examples of crazy, then you are 'suppressing' 'conservative' viewpoints?

Let's take Breitbart, etc out of the equation. What about other conservative (and reputable) publications like the Wall Street Journal or the Daily Telegraph?

Although I might not agree with the editorial stance of the Telegraph or Times, I wouldn't include them in the "most crazy examples of crazy".
News / Re: Facebook's Left-Leaning Bias
« Last post by BridgeTroll on May 13, 2016, 07:51:33 AM »

Did Facebook lie? In a "the sky is green" way, no. But in the polished, expertly-hedged, truth-with-a-spin way that corporate communications departments are so good at, yes.

Claim #1: It's just an algorithmClaim #2: Curators don't "inject" storiesClaim #3: User preferences are a factor in Facebook TrendingSo, did Facebook lie?
Opinion / Re: Political cartoons
« Last post by BridgeTroll on May 13, 2016, 06:40:08 AM »
What is missing and what isn't? / SJTC's Carter's Broughton Street Collection Takes Shape
« Last post by Metro Jacksonville on May 13, 2016, 03:00:03 AM »
SJTC's Carter's Broughton Street Collection Takes Shape

In 2014, despite developing Jacksonville's most suceessful shopping center and chairing downtown's Retail Task Force in 2007, developer Ben Carter chose to invest in downtown Savannah. Here's an update on Carter's business decision.

Read More:
News / Re: Facebook's Left-Leaning Bias
« Last post by UNFurbanist on May 12, 2016, 11:35:18 PM »
JBTripper posts the core issue here of why this is diabolical:

"This would all be fine if Facebook was up front about it. It's not fine, though, because Facebook doesn't have an "editorial" section. It doesn't have a "stories picked out for you" section. It has a "trending" section, and they even use little upward-climbing graph arrow icons that seem to say "these things are being placed here based on data gleaned from our users." Which we now know is a lie."

And on queau, the usual suspects appear, instead of actually addressing the core issue - the falsification of what is actually "trending", go to their usual bag of dissembling, straw-manning, obfuscating, scapegoating...

Fox News! Breitbart! Only idiots get news! So what!!!! [my favorite argument to see... lol] Nothing here!  Move along!


It's highly amusing.


verb (used without object) have a general tendency, as events, conditions, etc. tend to take a particular direction; extend in some direction indicated. emerge as a popular trend; be currently popular: trending topics on the Internet; words that have trended this year. veer or turn off in a specified direction, as a river, mountain range, etc.

What about the word trending suggests to anyone that something less than the MOST POPULAR actual stories be presented?

And what does it say if this is NOT the case?

It's hard for me to say whether you are malicious in your activities or actually are just the useful dupes of the left...  thoughts?

Okay. Well my trending section occasionally tells me that "Florida man" stories are trending. Am I suppose to believe that fb is trying to make me hate my home state? It sometimes works... But is it some type of conspiracy? I doubt it. That section also shows me everything from quite legitimate big world/national events all the way to stories about UNF. Do they certainly aren't all macro level trends. Maybe from friends?

 Truthfully I have no flipping idea how they pick the trending topics. Although, I have definitely seen a few articles from the blaze on mine (and even thought "is this suppose to be news?") so is it some giant liberal conspiracy? Doubtful.
Cities / Re: Miami Comes of Age
« Last post by tpot on May 12, 2016, 11:00:20 PM »
Yeah, I've only lived in downtown/ Brickell Miami for 6 years, you are the expert.....:-)
News / Re: Facebook's Left-Leaning Bias
« Last post by JBTripper on May 12, 2016, 10:37:33 PM »
This is so stupid...I will see at least 3 friends who work at Facebook and another that works at Instagram tonight and I won't even start to ask them if this is true because it's so obviously not.  Just another example of a literally stupid Fox News viewer who happens to be in the Millennial demographic group (sadly, I do shed a tear for this) trying desperately to appeal to the stupidity of other Fox News viewers who eat this load of literal cocka up as if it were in the Bible.

On another note, it *SHOULD* be true.  If you are trying to find "conservative bias" that suits the answers you yourself want in trending science, entertainment, and political articles/events/findings, then you deserve to have "real/authentic" information disguised in your silly little mind as "liberal" exclusively thrown your way so that you can begin to grow a fucking brain and gain actual information.


Who said anything about trying to find conservative bias? You can't find news without bias, because it doesn't exist. The best an informed person can hope to do is to identify known facts, seek out opposing viewpoints and make a decision for themselves. I think what you're arguing is that people attempting to inform themselves should only have easy access to one viewpoint in order to ensure more people come around to your point of view, which is intellectually bankrupt. Come to think of it, that's a fair description of Facebook, isn't it?

And it's caca, and it's figurative.
News / Re: Facebook's Left-Leaning Bias
« Last post by JBTripper on May 12, 2016, 10:23:31 PM »
Well the algorithm also features items that get more clicks. Overall liberal sources get more clicks because more people on fb tend to be liberal mainly due to age demographics. However, if you are a raging conservative you will be shown more similar right-leaning articles because it knows your preferences. If anything can be said about fb article selections it is that there is A TON of confirmation bias being perpetuated across the platform. Especially since people tend to only follow those friends with similar views on their feeds. I've been guilty of that myself but I only unfollow friends who never post anything but political opinions especially when they are "that crazy conservative uncle" type. Ultimately, if you don't like looking at liberal news sources of fb then get off fb. They are a private company. Maybe get on Fox's social media site?... oh wait, that's right.

You're talking about the newsfeed, which you are right about being a pit of confirmation bias. But the newsfeed is not related to this at all. The issue is the "trending" section, which is not tailored to your interests, behaviors or connections. It purports to be a representation of the top stories of the day across Facebook, but this story alleges that that is a lie.
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