Author Topic: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed  (Read 161221 times)


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Re: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed
« Reply #510 on: April 17, 2015, 11:30:43 PM »
I would love to see the Ark at the top of the needle. I vote for that.

How's this, Maximus?  I tried to mix together the best of the proposals that we have seen, so far.

Thank you!! Visually it's even more magnificent than I had imagined. Now I think the entire One Spark Festival should take place in that Ark.

Would they re-title it, "One spARK"?

Then there would only be one Creator.


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Re: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed
« Reply #511 on: April 18, 2015, 12:36:46 AM »
^^^I see what you did.  :)


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Re: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed
« Reply #512 on: April 18, 2015, 01:10:39 AM »
Let me ask a hypothetical question for those disagreeing with Field...if you were trying to get The Shipyards in the hands of private developers and were at a conference with the largest developers in Florida and the Southeast, would you aggressively market the property to them?

Definitely. I'd also like to know why it wasn't done before, or if it was, why nothing happened. Anyone know?

Good questions. Would this board agree that being at a conference with the largest developers in Florida and the Southeast last August, and not actively marketing the project, means we really have to way to know what the interest would have been?


This needs to be immediately scrapped until after the elections.

Restore the Public Trust


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Re: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed
« Reply #513 on: April 19, 2015, 10:47:44 PM »
I would love to see the Ark at the top of the needle. I vote for that.

How's this, Maximus?  I tried to mix together the best of the proposals that we have seen, so far.

Thank you!! Visually it's even more magnificent than I had imagined. Now I think the entire One Spark Festival should take place in that Ark.

Damnit! Y'all just keeping missing the streetcar proposal... IMAGINE!

Charles Hunter

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Re: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed
« Reply #514 on: April 20, 2015, 06:44:15 AM »
The streetcars would be hybrid vehicles that could run up and down the tower, to the ark, then cross the river as kayaks.  :D


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Re: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed
« Reply #515 on: April 20, 2015, 12:32:21 PM »
Let me ask a hypothetical question for those disagreeing with Field...if you were trying to get The Shipyards in the hands of private developers and were at a conference with the largest developers in Florida and the Southeast, would you aggressively market the property to them?

Definitely. I'd also like to know why it wasn't done before, or if it was, why nothing happened. Anyone know?

Good questions. Would this board agree that being at a conference with the largest developers in Florida and the Southeast last August, and not actively marketing the project, means we really have to way to know what the interest would have been?


This needs to be immediately scrapped until after the elections.

Restore the Public Trust
We *do*have a way to know what the interest is. Any large developer in Florida or around the Southeast worthy of consideration already knows about the Shipyards property because they have folks in-house who look for these types of projects. Do you honestly think we have some sort of hidden jewel that could be developed if only the City made the right parties aware that Jax is (and has been) sitting on a hidden jewel lo these many years ? ? ? Seriously? Big developers have to find projects; I'm guessing here but I'm sure they prefer to do so before the project is finalized if at all possible *and* while they still have time to work the politics and find out the "players," so to speak, then they have to bid on them, and win those bids. To me, it is unrealistic in the extreme to think this property hasn't been well-vetted and assessed, with local politics factored in.

Shad's our guy. Hopefully he has some entities who are ONLY interested if Shad is heading the process up, because they have faith in him. To me, that's our best bet. The sports complex could be a really nice spot for an entertainment district and I'm hoping Shad can make it happen. That seems to be the direction of multiple sports teams (e.g., the Braves & the Packers) and it makes a bunch of sense.


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Re: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed
« Reply #516 on: April 20, 2015, 12:54:40 PM »
I'm sorry if this has already been discussed but Shad's model may be (in part) what Robert Kraft has done up in New England with Patriot Place:

Patriot Place is far, far more than a mall next to a sports complex - it's what you might call "entertainment retailing," a shoppers' version of an amusement park plus an on-site hotel and even medical facilities.

Sure, you can buy a new sweater or pair of shoes . . . but you can also purchase many different varieties of entertainment here as well.  In some ways, it's like other Boston shopping malls - but on steroids!

He'll have to find out what works for Big Duval in this urban, not suburban, setting but that can surely be done.

Marle Brando

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Re: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed
« Reply #517 on: April 24, 2015, 06:41:50 PM »
 ;) ....and the Jax Chamber chose to back Khan/Iguana Investments shipyards vision to move forward with. I hear the Ark plan was a very very close second..says First Baptist hehe ::)

Know Growth

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Re: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed
« Reply #518 on: April 24, 2015, 10:06:15 PM »
The streetcars would be hybrid vehicles that could run up and down the tower, to the ark, then cross the river as kayaks.  :D

We need a Tower with top floor public venue- those tourist binocular thangs,you put some coins in the slot and Look Way Out There.
The tower high enough to grant binoc view of surrounding counties where most NE Florida newcomers will eventually land,neighborhoods traversed by electric "Golf" cart.


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Re: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed
« Reply #519 on: April 25, 2015, 08:48:24 PM »
The streetcars would be hybrid vehicles that could run up and down the tower, to the ark, then cross the river as kayaks.  :D

We need a Tower with top floor public venue- those tourist binocular thangs,you put some coins in the slot and Look Way Out There.
The tower high enough to grant binoc view of surrounding counties where most NE Florida newcomers will eventually land,neighborhoods traversed by electric "Golf" cart.

Maybe the streetcars should be Arks?


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Re: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed
« Reply #520 on: April 27, 2015, 07:13:26 PM »
Shocker....Shad Khan's proposal won:

77 points for Khan, 18 for the Boat Repair Shop, and 4 for Jesus Land. I'd love to know what the 4 was.


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Re: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed
« Reply #521 on: April 27, 2015, 07:28:05 PM »
Time for a public records request! I'd like to know where those four points came from as well!


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Re: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed
« Reply #522 on: April 27, 2015, 07:30:36 PM »
Time for a public records request! I'd like to know where those four points came from as well!

They were actually split-votes; the boat repair place was going to work on the ark, so they shared those points.


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Re: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed
« Reply #523 on: April 27, 2015, 08:00:35 PM »
The 4 points was probably for submitting it in time.


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Re: Khan's Jacksonville Shipyards Plans Revealed
« Reply #524 on: April 27, 2015, 08:12:22 PM »
I'm a lil' disappointed that we didn't get the religious proposal with the ark, so sad... :'(  ;D