Would love to see Chow King, Goldilocks, Red Ribbon, Max Chicken too! Can't wait for the mango peach pie and chicken joy! lasap sa sarap!
Would really love to see a fleet of Jeepneys...lol

Filipino ingenuity at it's best...
This will be a great addition to the city and if they bring their Jeepney, JTA will be in serious trouble!
These vehicles are something of a so-called 'Third World' art form, and they take great pride in the finish right down to the tiniest bolt head or 'dingle-ball,' it isn't just Filipino ingenuity. In Colombia (and most of the rest of South America) these little Jeepney's or 'Chivas' are more for show or tourist experience allowing a twenty first century child to ride like grandpa at the fair, plaza or special event. Sometimes they are used for special excursions but apparently Hollywood hasn't figured out that in many ways (buses included) that 'Third World' tends to be north of the Rio Grande.

This 'Chiva' advertises tours in Colombia

Staged for Hollywood? Maybe, but this scene would be hard to duplicate in Colombia today, I can't say how it would be in the Philippines?

After your excursion, a quick stop in ANY beach side souvenir shop and you can buy a tiny, handmade Chiva to take home.

Lest you have seen too many Romancing the Whatever movies, you can't ride with chickens or pigs...

Greyhound never had it so good, and those JTA express buses to Putnam, St. Johns or Nassau, the modern Colombian bus systems would make JTA weep!

Imagine your JTA express ride to Flemming Island... and then tell me where the third world is!
All play aside, the restaurant is welcome, it would be very cool to see some of my old familiar FF places from south of the border, 'Coco Rico' (Flame roasted chicken); 'Mr. Ham' (Not even Arby's has this much meat); and 'Leno's and Carbon,' (Literally a fast food style Filet mignon, ribs or any other fine steak and roasted potato paradise)

Wonder if we carried a petition to the restaurant and the Colombian Chamber of Commerce maybe we... Well you know.