JBTripper posts the core issue here of why this is diabolical:
"This would all be fine if Facebook was up front about it. It's not fine, though, because Facebook doesn't have an "editorial" section. It doesn't have a "stories picked out for you" section. It has a "trending" section, and they even use little upward-climbing graph arrow icons that seem to say "these things are being placed here based on data gleaned from our users." Which we now know is a lie."
And on queau, the usual suspects appear, instead of actually addressing the core issue - the falsification of what is actually "trending", go to their usual bag of dissembling, straw-manning, obfuscating, scapegoating...
Fox News! Breitbart! Only idiots get news! So what!!!! [my favorite argument to see... lol] Nothing here! Move along!
It's highly amusing.
verb (used without object)
4.to have a general tendency, as events, conditions, etc.
5.to tend to take a particular direction; extend in some direction indicated.
6.to emerge as a popular trend; be currently popular: trending topics on the Internet; words that have trended this year.
7.to veer or turn off in a specified direction, as a river, mountain range, etc.
What about the word trending suggests to anyone that something less than the MOST POPULAR actual stories be presented?
And what does it say if this is NOT the case?
It's hard for me to say whether you are malicious in your activities or actually are just the useful dupes of the left... thoughts?