
Should an amendment be attached to 2010-604 that would keep the 680' Public Pier separate from the 44 acres that was Shipyards/Landmar?

44 (91.7%)
4 (8.3%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Voting closed: August 11, 2010, 04:18:46 PM

Author Topic: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier  (Read 68598 times)

CS Foltz

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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #90 on: November 21, 2010, 07:38:01 AM »
Good questions Mr Noone! Please to keep score, if possible, inquiring minds want to know.......like me! Mr Redman has not stepped up .......yet.......hopefully soon!


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #91 on: December 07, 2010, 07:42:53 AM »
Time is running out for the current administration and city council on the Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier.

I had an opportunity last night to speak with councilman Gaffney the Dist.7 representative who was speaking at the unveiling and neighborhood meeting on the Park View Pavilion in Springfield. He also wants everyone to sign his petition for re election to Dist. 7.

I asked him about the status and he says that everybody wants it to happen. BUT nobody has come to him and showed him the money.

In my opinion Bay Street Pier Park with a street car access component can happen now.

2010-604 is Shipyards/Landmar 44 acres all under JEDC control.

Its not going to take home runs but singles. In my opinion the JEDC needs to walk the batter and put that runner on the pier. And the coach of the pier will then decide if he wants to bunt or hit away.

In my opinion the Entertainment District will occur on the 44 acres but the pier will create its own vibrancy with substitute players that will be transient vendors 2010-856. A sponsored container that will circumvent the signage ordinance. A special Drinking Zone 2010-813 an opportunity for everyone to access, celebrate, promote, and preserve our St. Johns River our American Heritage River within our Downtown Jacksonville Overlay Zoning District.

Anybody going to a Vision for Jacksonville Friday?

Anyone going to the St. Johns River Alliance meeting in Palatka Monday?

Does anyone want to Make it Happen?

In my opinion after the Jan. 4 2011 swearing in of Gov.elect Rick Scott this issue escalates from a local issue to a state issue.

Our new slogan

Lets get to work-Just not in Jacksonville.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #92 on: December 07, 2010, 09:12:01 AM »
Got the date wrong.

Vision for Jacksonville is Dec. 8

Contact Carolyn Clark
carolynclark@uli.org or call 904-486-8256


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #93 on: December 13, 2010, 06:24:02 AM »
Went to the Vision for Jacksonville.

Today I'm going to the Board meeting of the St. Johns River Alliance in Palatka. John Delaney is the chair. I'm hoping there is an opportunity for Public comment.

I'll mention to the 34 Board members the status of 2010-604 and 2010-856. The people of Jacksonville should be tremendously concerned about these two pieces of legislation.

Will you be allowed to participate or banned?

Keep score.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #94 on: December 15, 2010, 07:15:36 AM »
Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting in two hours. Councilman Redman Dist. 4 also on the board representing the council with Downtown Vision, also Downtown is his District, also on Waterways. Will he do anything?

So is Crescimbeni and Bishop.

Will be asking for the 4Th month in a row for a resolution of support for the Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier. Former Shipyards/Landmar 2010-604

After today I truly believe that this issue will escalate to the Governor of the state of Florida. It is important that the new Governor is immediately made aware of this violation of the Public Trust. His immediate intervention on this issue will allow the people of Florida to then Access, Promote, Celebrate, and Preserve our St. Johns River our American Heritage River.

If not.

Our new slogan

Lets get to work= Just not in Jacksonville.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #95 on: December 16, 2010, 05:24:28 AM »
At the final Waterway meeting of 2010 I asked the Jacksonville Waterways Commission if they would sponsor a resolution that could be taken back to the full Jacksonville city council to keep the Promised 680'Downtown Public Pier separate from the Shipyrds?Landmar property for the 4th month in a row. Its not happening.

Cresimbeni as chair of Waterways is not interested in doing it. Councilman Bishop and Redman were silent.

I also mentioned to the commission members that I attended the St. Johns River Alliance Board meeting in Palatka on Monday and made the other 12 counties aware of pending legislation 2010-856 that will have a direct impact on Duval counties ability to participate in the future state wide creation of a Paddling Blueway. Commission member Rick Hartley is going to look into it further.

Mentioned the Florida Times Union article about Mr. O'Byrne the new CEO of Visit Jacksonville and how this pending legislation could impact our city. Can't wait to meet the man.

Pocket Parks- Pocket Piers- the Shipyards Pier-The Landmar Pier- Whatever you want to call it. This city council and mayoral election in 3 months is HUGE. If you think we are getting more access and opportunity you are wrong.

Keep score.  
« Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 08:57:47 AM by Noone »


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #96 on: December 16, 2010, 05:59:40 AM »
::cheers:: Noone
sorry I missed ALL of these.
::moves rock from cave::


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #97 on: December 17, 2010, 08:20:34 AM »
Sat.Times Union story by Matt Galnor and the 7 Mayoral candidates responses to what their plans would be for the Shipyards/Landmar property would be goes to At large  Jacksonville city councilwoman Glorious Johnson and her remark that the people of Jacksonville need to never forget about the Promised Downtown Public Pier. Councilwoman Johnson has just told the People of Jacksonville that if elected Mayor there will be a Public Pier that will have Public and Private business. That's a homerun in my book.

This is a city wide city council and mayoral campaign issue. As soon as the legislation clears 2010-604 and the city has clear title there are other current council members that could introduce legislation that could make the 680' Promised Downtown Public Pier separate from the other 44 acres. Keep score.

The issue of a 680' Promised Downtown Public Pier can escalate to a statewide joke if the City of Jacksonville very quickly unless our current elected legislative representatives fail to act with legislation to keep the pier separate.

1. Sept.15,16 the River Summit and telling the other 11 counties that the current administration is opposed to this Promised Downtown Public Pier.

2. Oct. 20 the start of JCCI and their 71st Community Engagement Study (I've participated in two)
this one is called
Recession Recovery and Beyond:
Job Creation, Employment and Improving Northeast Florida's Competitiveness

Lets see......
Job Creation....680' Promised Downtown Public Pier
We are a port city. 14 Ports in the state of Florida.
Using containers for immediate job creation and Public Access.

3. We are getting a new Executive Director for JPA.
Lets see......
We are a port city. 14 Ports in the state of Florida.
The opening of the Panama Canal for larger container ships.
Using a shipping container for tourism on a pier in the heart of our Downtown Jacksonville Overlay Zoning District could create a BUZZ if its not being done anywhere else.
We want to take the Port to the next level.

4. 4 new members on the Jacksonville  Waterways Commission and one of their first votes could come Sept. 15  will be to bring a Navy ship to Downtown. Who is going to say No to the Navy. But we can't keep a Promised Downtown Public Pier separate for the people of Jacksonville.

Has anyone talked with councilman Gaffney about this issue?

In 4 hours the city of Jacksonville and the world will know who our next Executive Director of the Jacksonville Port Authority will be. I can't wait to meet the person.

I hope to share an opportunity that our new director of the port may want to suggest to our new Mayor in 3 months that by showcasing a container on our Promised Downtown 680' Public Pier within our Downtown Jacksonville Overlay Zoning District that Jacksonville's position as a worldwide port is happening and we are open for business.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #98 on: December 17, 2010, 01:03:50 PM »
feels like more is in the works than public or constructive notice has made us aware. .
While I've read this entire thread (more than once) I've also lived here all of my life.
as has been stated=public trust IS sorely damaged.

We have to hold our council members' collective feet to the fire.

I am attending a neighborhod watch 'social' Saturday (tomorrow the 18th) at 4pm for the residents of the King St. brewery district at 4pm
Bold City.

I want to spread the word and drum up the interest in kept promises!
IF Noone or anyone as heated about this could make an appearance and help me turn up the volume!

I hate that this is such last minute notice.

do we have or need the favor of the Berkman residents?

Who MUST be on our side in order for us to be successful?


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #99 on: December 17, 2010, 01:05:11 PM »
make that 49 total votes with 45 YESSSes


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #100 on: December 17, 2010, 01:36:06 PM »
Just got back from the Jaxport Board of Directors meeting and the approval of recommendation of the next CEO of Jaxport.

The Board moved the process to seek Paul Anderson of Ft. Lauderdale as the next CEO of Jaxport.

Can't make it Sat. for that meeting at 4. Still waiting to hear from Field if we are going to do that RAM paddle.

Ricker, I'll take you and show you Hogans Creek. Do you have a kayak? If not I have a tandem. Its an awesome trip.

As for the residents of Berkman Plaza they want the pier. I attended the announcement of the Downtown Action Plan that was unveiled to the general public in 2007. At that meeting a resident of Berkman asked Ron Barton about the pier. In all fairness to Ron it has been Mayor Peyton that has not moved forward on this benefit for access and economic opportunity.

That is why this next city council race and mayoral campaign race is so important. If a candidate won't support the pier I wouldn't vote for them.

There are other issues but this issue has regional and statewide implications.

From what I have ascertained to this point is that councilwoman Johnson would have supported it. I believe Jim Bailey would. I have a feeling that Audry Moran would.

I don't think Mullaney or Hogan would. They can always jump on here and set the record straight. Brown I don't know.

As for council members I don't get the feeling that Gaffney would. I don't think that Redman would. Cresimbeni wouldn't. 

A side bar to this entire river issue is 2010-856 and the impact that it will have on anyone that wants to access, promote, celebrate, and preserve our St. Johns River our American Heritage River.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #101 on: December 17, 2010, 02:03:09 PM »
you've seen the mooovie - the man who knew too little -  I feel like him.

I thank you kindly for your patience in rehashing this here in current detail.

I let my neighbor borrow my kayak a lonnngtime ago - I moved, they still had it.
by the time I thought about it - they had moved away.

tandem sounds ok so long as I don't tip us!

While I am definitely obligated to attend and assist the host of the "watch social", I will also (attempt to) collect email addresses of all individuals who perk up about my mention of the pier.

glad to hear about the position of those in the Berkman. understood regarding Mr.Barton and the "resistance"...
Paul Anderson of Fort Lauderdale.   I have homework to do.

like the little older lady in Karate Kid  "take me weetu"

Hey HEY was it you who wants to get a pack of DIYers together to attack the overgrowth on the banks of the Hogan and McCoys?
I read of it in a thread and am all for some swingblade weed attack action.
Field and brush mowers unite.
even though it would "COST" the coj truly next to nothing_nil_NICHT_ to do the right thing-
ACTIVISM is far more fun.

north miami

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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #102 on: December 17, 2010, 02:47:29 PM »
At the final Waterway meeting of 2010 I asked the Jacksonville Waterways Commission if they would sponsor a resolution that could be taken back to the full Jacksonville city council to keep the Promised 680'Downtown Public Pier separate from the Shipyrds?Landmar property for the 4th month in a row. Its not happening.

Cresimbeni as chair of Waterways is not interested in doing it. Councilman Bishop and Redman were silent.

Keep score.    

 :-X :-X

 Many jaws have dropped over Waterways Commission proceedings.I suggest we look to sunset this commission.  
« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 01:02:21 PM by north miami »

CS Foltz

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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #103 on: December 17, 2010, 05:28:54 PM »
Thanks for the heads up on which Council member is doing nothing! I am taking note!


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #104 on: December 18, 2010, 12:10:48 PM »
If the City owns the entire parcel why separate it? We may extend the Riverwalk one and that will separate the parcel automatically.