
Should an amendment be attached to 2010-604 that would keep the 680' Public Pier separate from the 44 acres that was Shipyards/Landmar?

44 (91.7%)
4 (8.3%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Voting closed: August 11, 2010, 04:18:46 PM

Author Topic: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier  (Read 68657 times)


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #225 on: November 01, 2011, 08:21:33 AM »
Is there an area anywhere around McCoy's creek for a launch site?


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #226 on: November 01, 2011, 09:27:31 AM »
I'd say yes.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #227 on: November 01, 2011, 10:50:04 AM »
I think I will do some scouting this weekend, and try to identify one or more possibilities.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #228 on: November 01, 2011, 02:33:23 PM »
anyone down to go out Sunday morning?


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #229 on: November 01, 2011, 04:48:29 PM »


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #230 on: November 01, 2011, 08:05:41 PM »
Is there an area anywhere around McCoy's creek for a launch site?

Almost anywhere along McCoys Creek Boulevard, almost the entire length from I-95 to Stockton Street, but the run from Stockton to the CSX is more beer cans then water.  A thorough cleaning might make it navigable all the way to Stockton. A clean paddle from the river to stockton would make it long enough to be an attraction.

While I would invest in both McCoys Creek and Hogans Creek, unless there is a comprehensive redevelopment and cleaning of these waterfronts, you really wouldn't want to promote it. Welcome to Jacksonville fellow paddlers, "Come and paddle our open sewers," just doesn't have much appeal.



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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #231 on: November 03, 2011, 05:14:42 PM »
The Nov.2, 2011 Jacksonville Waterways FIND subcommittee meeting on canoe and kayak launches was sparsley attended.  Started at 10 and I'll just go right from the list of current submitted projects for the upcoming Nov. 9, Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting at 9:30 in council chambers.

The Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier is not on the list. WHERE IS The ADMINISTRATION? SHIPYARDS III

1. Zoo Dock construction
2.Mayport Docks
3.Ft. George Inlet
4.Harborview Dredging
5.Sisters ICW dock Dredging
6.Reed Island
7.Charles Reese BR-Dock
8.Zoo Pkwy. Property
9.Atlantic Marine canoe launch
10.Exchange Island Dock
11. Continuation of Blue Cypress boardwalk
12.lighting at BR 


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #232 on: November 03, 2011, 05:51:06 PM »
What are they doing at Fort George?


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #233 on: November 03, 2011, 06:33:45 PM »


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #234 on: November 04, 2011, 10:40:14 AM »
Is this the dredging that the port needs to accommodate the bigger ships? Ya know, the big project at Mile point, I believe that's what it's called.


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #235 on: November 04, 2011, 10:51:24 AM »
The Nov.2, 2011 Jacksonville Waterways FIND subcommittee meeting on canoe and kayak launches was sparsley attended.  Started at 10 and I'll just go right from the list of current submitted projects for the upcoming Nov. 9, Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting at 9:30 in council chambers.

The Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier is not on the list. WHERE IS The ADMINISTRATION? SHIPYARDS III

1. Zoo Dock construction
2.Mayport Docks
3.Ft. George Inlet
4.Harborview Dredging
5.Sisters ICW dock Dredging
6.Reed Island
7.Charles Reese BR-Dock
8.Zoo Pkwy. Property
9.Atlantic Marine canoe launch
10.Exchange Island Dock
11. Continuation of Blue Cypress boardwalk
12.lighting at BR 

you don't consider it a small victory that the City is considering additional access points to the river?

I thought this article from yesterday's T-U sounded promising

« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 10:53:51 AM by tufsu1 »

CS Foltz

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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #236 on: November 04, 2011, 12:40:46 PM »
Well,it is nice to know of all the proposed improvements, but it seems to me, the City is losing out on something that could enhance anykind of "Downtown Attraction"............its there and pretty much being ignored by all! With the exception of a few who see possibilities! I wonder just what the area representatives are thinking? Mine lives at the Beaches and could care less! Not very progressive, open minded or forward looking!


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #237 on: November 04, 2011, 12:41:09 PM »
It's not a victory in any way, no.  It's a step, and frankly still a very small step in the overall scheme of things.  That being said, we all owe Rachel and Joe a big thank you for their efforts... and I specifically think they deserve a lot of credit for their work over at Exchange Club Island.  They're next cleanup at Exchange Club Island is November 19th if anyone wants to join!

I think they need to include Hogans Creek, McCoys Creek, hand lanched craft access at the RAM dock and the Bay Street Pier Park into the discussion in a very, very big way.

Additionally, the current Southbank Riverwalk does not allow for hand launched vessel access... this should be rectified immediately in the renovation plans(it is not now)... and can be done so with very inexpensive options that don't include expensive floating docks(specifically at the bend near the Peninsula which offers a very easy construction opportunity for a beachead access point).


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #238 on: November 04, 2011, 06:17:58 PM »
The Nov.2, 2011 Jacksonville Waterways FIND subcommittee meeting on canoe and kayak launches was sparsely attended.  Started at 10 and I'll just go right from the list of current submitted projects for the upcoming Nov. 9, Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting at 9:30 in council chambers.

The Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier is not on the list. WHERE IS The ADMINISTRATION? SHIPYARDS III

1. Zoo Dock construction
2.Mayport Docks
3.Ft. George Inlet
4.Harborview Dredging
5.Sisters ICW dock Dredging
6.Reed Island
7.Charles Reese BR-Dock
8.Zoo Pkwy. Property
9.Atlantic Marine canoe launch
10.Exchange Island Dock
11. Continuation of Blue Cypress boardwalk
12.lighting at BR 

you don't consider it a small victory that the City is considering additional access points to the river?

I thought this article from yesterday's T-U sounded promising


Activist Tom Ingram fired up the Jacksonville Waterways FIND subcommittee meeting on potential canoe and kayak launches.
Two parts to his list. First had  to do with Maintenance level improvements.
1. Sidney J. Gefen Riverwalk Park
2. Krestul Park
3. County Dock Road/Walter Jones Park
4. Water Taxi Dock east of Hyatt and West of Berkman

His second list
1. Stockton Park
2. Memorial Park Riverside
3. River Road (San Marco Beach)
4.Floating Dock at Riverside Arts Market
5. Ortega cul de sacs
6. Rink Park -Waterfront public access street end. pocket park-pocket pier.
7. Southbank Riverwalk
8. Walter Jones Park

In 5 days he will make a full presentation to the Jacksonville Waterways Commission on these potential projects. Good stuff.

Tom, challenged a lot of the recommendations. There was good discussion. You have to realize that there are just so many dollars and its a match for each project. Do you focus on two or three big projects or focus on a number of small projects? There were only 4 people from the Public in attendance. Another new person was Capt. Roger Bump a champion kayak fisherman and who also added to the debate.

Ock, Just to let you know I through out Tomahawk Park for consideration as a kayak and canoe launch.

Also of note was a  project for Arlington River Dredge that was withdrawn. Dist.4 Don Redman was not at the meeting and Scott asked about this project and had no idea that it was going to be withdrawn. It was introduced in 2009. Scott wasn't there for the whole meeting. That's a tough break for Dist.4

Tera Meeks was there with the Preservation projects and left early. Nobody from the parks dept.

The city of Jacksonville should be just outraged about the pier not being on the list. Yeah Scott I know the city owns the PIER and there is no reason to break it up. Yeah! Well the city owns the rest of these properties to and some have different rules than others.  Whats the deal with Palms Fish Camp??? Anybody?

The Pier is not on the list. What a joke. How would that have scored with the GRANTS POINTS? I only spoke once and even pleaded to just stick it on the list even if you give it zero points. Peoples who's suggestions were offered are on the list. Except mine. Scott had left but Capt. Jim Suber offered that given what has happened in the past with Shipyards and Landmar that now may not be a good time to do something. So was Capt. Suber speaking for the Administration? Hey Scott! You and Don got taken off the list so how about putting the PROMISED 680' DOWNTOWN PUBLIC PIER on the list. I couldn't help but mention that isn't it a good thing that we blew through $400,000 of that new sod that we just layed down on the Shipyards/Landmar property.

tufsu1 it all sounds promising. But with redistricting and a total takeover by a new Authority and that the Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier is not on the list that will be submitted for consideration to the Commissioners of FIND appointed by the Governor representing the east coast of the state of Florida I'll be soon telling the other 66 counties of Florida

DON"T VISIT JACKSONVILLE- Its not a DOWNTOWN DESTINATION  if you wanted to access it on our St. Johns River our American Heritage River a Federal Initiative.

Anyone going to the board meeting of the St. Johns River Alliance Nov.17 1-3 pm in Taverres Florida? If you drive I'll pay for the gas and treat you at Robert's Eatery. I'm serious. 


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Re: Downtown Jacksonville Public Pier
« Reply #239 on: November 05, 2011, 07:27:43 AM »
Many, if not most folks who know we might rather jokingly state that though I may not be the sharpest tack in the box I ain't no dummy.

 I am from jacksonville.

 Born and raised here in a town where we pull over for a funeral procession and y'all is a proper pronoun and ain't unfortunately is a word.

 I understand that the 680 foot pier may never have the exact vibe of santa monica, but truly, all kidding aside,  the space - the 680' PUBLIC PIER -   should be must be a passive park in its first iteration of public usage but should forever remain a parcel that begins at the curb of bay street and runs contiguously out to the riverwalk extension.

 Who here sees it differently?
 Isn't that with these formus are about ?? The vetting of issues !?

well speak up! Time is definitely of the essence, folks.

 It is super easy to take 5 minutes and email Every city councilperson!
 Take 5 more email the waterways commission!!
 Find 2 or 3 more minutes in your day and shoot an email to the Mayor himself!
 North florida land trust perhaps.

 I truly believe there are a vast great many people who read the information posted here on these blogs that think Jacksonville can improve to become something better more sophisticated more diverse.

 this crown jewel of prime property downtown needs to be legislativly protected for all of the public to enjoy permanently.
 I know I am not alone in seeing this strip of land as being a hinge pin for the future of downtown.
 Just this 1 strip to be a park in all perpetuity.
 Not tied to any potential speculative un necessary construction.

 Seriously I welcome the challenge of an opposing viewpoint.
 Please I beg you anyone who reads this thread and thinks that the 680 foot pier should not for ever be a festive park atmosphere, ante up, state your case for why we would ever need to agree to allowing a developer to build anything else on top of it.
 Ps look at berkman ii.

 We're at a phase now where we need outdoor places to soak in the sun and recreate.
 We pay taxes we deserve our waterfront park in our downtown.
 And I'll step down off my soapbox for the morning.
 Top of the day to you all!