This type of (inexpensive and earth friendly as it uses recycled tires) launch can be EASILY affixed to the pier.
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What another Regional, Statewide, backyard meeting of the Jacksonville Waterways Commission.
Going from the minutes from the Dec.14 2011 meeting in attendance Council members Don Redman (Chair) John Crescimbeni (Vice Chair) Bill Bishop; Commissioners Gary Anderson,Lane Burnett, Edward Fleming, Ralph Hodges, Raymond Pringle, Scott Shine, Penny Thompson, Commissioner Stephen Swann was excused. Kristina Nelson OGC Dr. White and Dr. Pinto with Jacksonville University, Jim Suber, Waterways Coordinator COJ, Jessica Stephens, Jody McDaniel,Capt. Mike Getchall, Geoffrey Sample, Derek Busby, Dave Roman, Tom Ingram, Scott Wilson, Joseph Wilhelm, Andrea Conover, Roger Bump, Craig Van Brocklin, John Nooney, Cyd Hoskinson, Karl Soderholm, Mathew Rini, Chris DeVries, Ryan Barber, Katy Pilato, Sadie Frederick, Matt Foster, Keith Keller, Steven Davis, Barton Issac, Patrick Osleby, Robert Benardo, Chelsi P. Henry, Sgt. Leonard Propper, Officer Bob Winslow, John Jackson
At yesterdays Waterways meeting I was proudly wearing Mayor Brown's kayak adventures t-shirt. I applaud Mayor Brown and his efforts to make Downtown a Destination and not a pass through especially as it relates to our River.
It was a light agenda. What peeked my interest was item III
Living Shoreline Project-Jacksonville Zoo Danielle Fondren, CEO DHF Consulting, Inc.
Bob Chabot, Director of Horticulture, Jacksonville Zoo
Its a restoration project to restore spartina grass along an impacted area of the zoo and they were seeking a resolution of support from the city of Jacksonville so as to include it in a grant application that is due in Feb.
It was a good presentation and my immediate thought is sign me up. And at the same time I'm thinking to myself Shoreline restoration. You need to go and look at Stonewall and Chelsea St. on McCoys Creek and Sydney Gefen Park on the Northbank Riverwalk. They have a meeting Friday and are seeking in kind donations that could adversely affect the $350,000 project cost that is being floated at this time. Also a 1/3 of the cost is for a walkway.
I mentioned after the meeting to Dave Roman look at Sydney Gefin Park for restoring some grass there. Why not. After listening to that presentation and the conditions for habitat renewal and Mayor Brown wanting to expand on the Public/Private Partnership (Still trying to understand what that means) but would the new Downtown Authority allow this to happen here? Put up a bike rack at this park and the community can be a Downtown Partner and those that are close by can ride there bikes to this location. Our Downtown is Bulkheaded in so many locations but not here. Just a thought.
I don't think that Trads or Jones Hall carries this type of grass. So just where does one go to get a tray of spartina grass?
Anyway on with other revelations from yesterdays Waterways meeting. Let me share this with everyone from the minutes. In Old Business Commissioner Gary Anderson suggested that attorney Tom Ingram's proposed list potential new sites for kayak launch facilities on City-owned property merited review for Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) consideration.
Congratulations to Tom.
The real excitement of the meeting came during Public Comments. The chair had recognized outgoing St. Johns Riverkeeper Neil Armingeon and new incoming St. Johns Riverkeeper Lisa Rinamon earlier so they waved their opportunity to speak again. I'm up next. I shared with the commission the Times Union front page story from Tues. paper "Fishing limits set for all species" The United States this year will become the first country to impose catch limits for every species it manages, from Alaska pollock to Caribbean conch. I'm a member of the Recreational Fishing Alliance and there is never enough time to address so many issues. MJers go and look at Stonewall and Chelsea St. and then imagine going up to a podium after listening to a presentation on Shoreline Restoration just not even 30 minutes ago.
Also speaking and members of the Recreational Fishing Alliance were Capt Roger Bump and Capt. Vic Tison. There comments and concerns sparked dialogue among commission members and as a result of there participation the artificial reef program will be on the agenda at the next Jacksonville Waterways meeting. Dana Morton will be participating with that.
Public Comment is the last item on the agenda. After the meeting standing around and talking were Scott Shine, Roger Bump, Gary Anderson, Don Redman, Vic Tison, Mike Getchall, Someone from the Coast Guard, and myself. Anyway Don excuses himself as I and I asked Don if he is going to introduce anything with the Historic Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier. Even the first 25 or 50' for a kayak launch that you see in the pictures and it was a flat out NO. Don if you are going to kayak safely Downtown you need safety zones. Shipyards III.
Outside I had an opportunity to talk with Lisa Rinamon about the pier as well. Remember Peyton didn't want it and she said that she will look at the issue as well. She kayaks. If you are going to kayak safely Downtown you need safety zones.
Its different to be up close and personal if you fall out in a creek as compared to an open river with a stong current.
Anyone else ready to continue to promote, preserve, access, and celebrate a Downtown Destination River Activity on our St. Johns River our American Heritage River a Federal Initiative with a kayak paddle?
Who's next?